Born for shock value.| Chapter 33

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My heart was practically leaping out of my chest as I waited for my turn to get called to the principal's office. I sat on the bench by myself, class was ongoing so all the halls were empty, Courtney was in there right now, most likely painting herself as the victim. I bit down on my nails and looked around nervously as I fidgeted in my seat. Mom is gonna be so mad, I will probably get a high-five from Raquelle and Adrian.
I sighed impatiently as I was sure I was about to shit my pants. Don't regret it one bit though, bitch had it coming. 

Best thing I've ever done.

I jumped in my seat as the door opened and Courtney marched out of there, not even sparing me a look. I'm not complaining. Mr. Ellis coughed a little as he motioned for me to come in and he pointed at the seat opposite to his table, for me to sit down on. I begrudgingly did so and slumped down, bringing my nails back to greet my teeth. My eyes followed him as he took a seat in his fancy leather chair. You know, whoever has a leather chair like that in their office is a total snob, it's a public school for fucks sake. Bring it down a notch, felt like I was in a dank mancave. The dude doesn't know how to decorate. Goofy old man.

He cleared his throat as he started to speak, "You've gotten yourself into quite a mess, young lady."

"It appears I have," I replied and crossed my arms over my chest. I didn't know what to do with my hands honestly as he was just intently looking at me, it made me nervous.

"You've attacked another student and she's quite badly hurt." He stated.

I'd hope so.

I gave the man a deadpan look before I replied, "All due respect, sir. It was self-defense." I defended myself.

"Coincidentally that is also what Ms. Lewis said." He pointed out.

"Of course she did. You see, Ms. Lewis has the tendency to lie a lot. I never get in trouble but she has been harassing me since the day I stepped foot into this school." I explained and continued, "I'm sure that has to give me some credibility," I said and he gave me a small nod, "If you look at the camera footage, which I hope you already have with such a serious matter, you'd see that she swung first. What was I supposed to do? Let her slap me around and beat me? That's outrageous. I simply defended myself. Sure, I might have gone a little overboard by dragging her by the hair, but you must understand, she's been at my throat since day one and I just finally snapped."

He looked at me blankly, processing what I just said and he was silent for quite some time, "Well, I'm waiting for the footage as we speak but I must ask... Why haven't you reported her bullying you to me or any teacher?"

I shrugged my shoulders and picked at my cuticles, "Usually nobody does anything about it until it actually gets violent. Must it really come to that?" I said, "It wasn't anything I couldn't handle but I didn't expect her to ever hit me."

He nodded and his computer pinged, signaling a message. He cleared his throat once more and put on his glasses and typed away on his computer and clicked on the screen a couple of times. He looked at something on the screen and his mouth formed into a small frown.

He finally spoke, "It appears you are in fact telling the truth."

"I know."

Considering I'm shitting myself right now, I think I'm handling this quite well.

He sighed and sat back in his seat and pinched the bridge of his nose, "Alright Ms. Anders, you're all clear for now but I have to contact both of your parents and see if Ms. Lewis' parents want to take legal action which you are also free to do if they choose to take that route but you should have nothing to worry about for now. Go to class."

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