Is this official? | Chapter 28

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"How did you two meet?" I asked. It's better than asking how she died.

"It was pretty funny actually," he smiled at the memory, "We had released the Scream album a month or two before it happened. We saw her on the street playing songs on her guitar and she even played most of ours. It was crazy how mesmerized I was by her voice.  And it seemed like other people were, too. I swear, she literally sounded like an angel to me. Her own twist to the songs and the melody just--it just took me to another realm, I swear."

Okay, then...

"We obviously stayed to watch. I still remember all the people surrounding her. But she was actually hanging out with her friends and just sang to them but people actually stayed to watch. Her charisma and everything was just so great and she was great," he said.

Okay, she's great. I get it, Bill.

"I remember all the people so vividly. I think that was what blew me away the most. She got tons of people to stop for her and that wasn't even her intention," he said.

"That sounds great," I said unenthusiastically.

I mean, it totally did.

Was she a Goddess?


Angel... I scoffed in my head. Another reason to hate that nickname. How could he have even called me that?

"What else was she great at?" I asked, rolling my eyes. 


"All the artsy stuff," he said. It didn't seem like he noticed the bitchy tone I had. 

I need to calm down, like, seriously. I took a sip of my hot chocolate and let him continue with the story.

I'm totally enjoying it, I swear. I totally do NOT regret asking how they met.

"It was really annoying how Tom always flirted with her. Not sure if he knew I liked her," he said.

"How did you actually meet? You only said how u first saw her," I pointed out.

"Tom actually made us go. She was so surprised and shocked when she finally saw us. Her sister noticed us first actually," he said.

"She had a sister?"


"What's her name?" I asked.

"Jade..." he said and he fell silent for a while.

"That's pretty. Where is she now?" I asked.

"Um..." he hummed, "I'm not sure but my best guess is with her family somewhere," he told. "But as I said, she noticed us first and she got so pale. She tapped Monique on her leg and when she saw us she just stopped playing. She froze completely. Everyone was so confused," he continued on with the story. "We were actually on our way to lunch so we asked them to join. We never do things like that but we never really meet people like her and especially under these circumstances. Lunch was pretty awkward at first but Tom lightened the mood with his jokes and well, you know how he is."

"How did you start dating?" I asked.

I think I shouldn't have asked that.

"It's good to talk about it 'cause I never do. Are you sure you wanna listen?" he asked.

Well, that's considerate.

"Yeah... I'm sure," I said.

Am I, though?

"We hung out a lot and we were really close. I had feelings for her for a long time. I think she knew and I think she liked me too. But there is always a slight chance she didn't. I didn't want to ruin our friendship. She was my best friend, and I was afraid if I told her, I'd lose her. I didn't want to lose her. But in the end I still did," he said and a tear fell off his cheek onto the blanket. 

"I'm sorry," I said. I didn't know what else to say. That's not what he wanted to hear. I know I didn't when my dad died. Everyone was sorry. It didn't bring him back.

 "When she died I, um... I fell down a really dark path. Remember those scars you saw on my arms? Yeah... I was so lost. I didn't care about anything, really. It was horrible. I was horrible. To myself and others. I was a fucking jerk. I slept around even though it didn't make me feel better it made me forget. That's all I wanted. I'm just now slowly coming out of it. Doesn't mean it hurts any less. It will take me a while to feel okay because I'll never stop blaming myself," he said.


I get it. I actually know that feeling. I blamed myself for dad's death. I know it wasn't really my fault but still.

"We should go back inside. It's getting colder. I don't want you to get sick," he said and kissed my forehead.

We got back into the house and we sat down on the couch and cuddled.

"Is this official?" Tom asked.

Bill smiled and nodded. 


"About time," Gustav mumbled.

"Hey, Bill? Can we talk for a moment?" Tom asked and Bill seemed worried. 

They left to go upstairs and I heard a door close.

"So? Anyone wanna shove a fist up my ass?" Gustav asked.

"Jesus Christ, G," I groaned.

"I was kidding," he held up his arms.

"I hate you," I mumbled.

"I love you, too," he laughed.

"Fucking weirdo," Georg shook his head at him.

"I'm gonna leave now," I said and got up, "before I throw up."

I went upstairs and I walked past Bill's room and I heard the quietly talking.

"I know it will be," I heard Bill say. "God, I pretty much fucking killed her. It's all my fault, Tom."

♫ ♫ ♫

I am so sorry that I suck so much. It's a short chapter, I know but please don't kill me.



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