Dinner and cupcakes|Chapter 3

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 "Hello, ladies, long time no see." he said as he took a seat next to Chantel, who is still shocked.

I rubbed my temple and sighed, "Oh my goodness, we just can't seem to get rid of you."

He crossed his arms on his chest and leaned against the seat backrest. "No need to be rude." he said smirking.

"I'm just honest."

"I can tell you want me." he smirked again and put his hands on the table and supported his head.

"Yes, I want you out of my face." I said, he is just bothering me.

"Rosie, Chantel, nice seeing you again." Bill said as he walked up to us and took a seat next to me. I blushed, I do not know why he has that effect on me. Chantel noticed my red cheeks, she smirked and pushed my leg with hers.We finished our coffee's and we were about to leave. The twins asked if they could join with us. I hesitated, but I've been too mean to Tom, so I agreed.

We were at Macy's, I got myself three amazing outfits. They were really light beige and burgundy colored. It was a beige skirt with a black belt and with it, was a crop top-y burgundy colored top with sleeves that reached to my elbows. I also had burgundy colored high waisted jeans and a beige long sleeved crop top-y top and beige skirt that reached the ground. And of course, let's not forget about heels and some other shoes and high tops.

"Roselle, I found something for you." Chantel said. I jogged over to her and she held a really cute black leather jacket with silver studs.

"I'm so gonna buy this." I said and heard Tom explaining that he was bored.

"It's not my fault you wanted to come with." I smiled and he frowned. I noticed that Bill was in another store, looking for new clothes as well. I love a guy that can shop. 

♫ ♫ ♫

I pulled up to my house and parked, the twins also pulled up at their house. I locked the car and went inside. I ran upstairs and dropped my bags next to the closet. I went back downstairs and saw my sister and my mom trying to make something.

"Girls, I need you to do the cupcakes for dinner, I can't cause I have to clean the house," she said and stormed off. My mom's weird sometimes.

"Okay little sis, let's begin." I said and she smirked and went to heat up the oven. She put it to 160° degrees. I got out two bowls and poured a bag in the bowl and added 1 dl water. I mixed it with a spoon and laid the baking cups on the counter. I filled it in and put it in the oven. While I was doing that, my sister was already done with the icing. I got out some sprinkles and we waited 20 minutes.


I put on the oven mitts and carefully took the muffins out. We let them cool before adding the icing and sprinkles.

♫ ♫ ♫

"Mom, who did you do all the work for?" I asked.

"We are expecting guests and they should be here any minute now."

I frowned, I hated it when we had visitors. And I don't even know who's coming. I called for Raquel to come down. I wore a long beige skirt and a burgundy top. Someone knocked at the door and my mom went to open it. Raquel walked next to me and we waited to see who was coming.

"Rose, Raquel! Come to the dining room." our mom said. In the dining room were the two school bad boys. Of course, they are here. They smirked at us and we all sat around the table. Tom was in front of me and Bill was in front of Raquel.

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