Would you rather. |Chapter 6

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I groaned as the alarm went off. I rubbed my eyes and let them adjust to the light. I tried to reach to the clock to turn it off, but something stopped me. I looked at my waist and realized Bill was still in my bed, holding me.

"Get out of my bed." I shrieked, Bill was drooling all over my pillow. "Stop drooling."

"Huh, what?" he said sleepily. "I don't have any candy."

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked confused.

He ignored my question and yawned, pulling me closer to him.

"Get your filthy hands off of me," I shouted and shoved his hand away. I sat up and turned the alarm off. I went to my closet and took my clothes to the bathroom with me. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on the clothes and exited my bathroom.

I saw Bill sleeping like a starfish on my bed. My pillow in his arms and I hate to say it but the sight was really cute.

"Wake up," I yelled and he jolted up.

♫ ♫ ♫  

I entered the school like the diva I am. Chantel and her brother already running to greet me.

"Sup bitches." I greeted the siblings casually.

"Did you prank the shit out of him?" Adrian asked and linked our arms and Chantel lead the way to our lockers. 

"Who'd you prank?" Chantel asked, her brows furrowed in confusion. 

"Bill, also known as the devil," Adrian answered for me.

"What he said," I told and grabbed my math books from my locker.

"I'm still very confused," Chantel announced and we made our way to math class.

"It all started when he put ketchup in my drink and then I pranked him back and then the prank war started. And last night I put alarm clocks in his room. And 4 in the morning he ended up in my bed because he couldn't sleep, obviously." I summed up the story.

"It's like a ketchup love story. So adorable." Chantel squealed.

I walked into the class and sat down. The Diaz siblings stopped in front of me and had an eye battle about who's going to sit next to me.

"Okay people, there's enough of me for all of you," I told to ease the tension.

Adrian glared at her sister and told sternly, "I want to sit next to her."

"I've known her longer," Chantel told and gave him a firm glare.

"What's all the commotion about?" Bill asked as he walked to our table.

"They can't decide who gets the honor to sit next to me," I explained and continued to watch them bicker.

Bill had a thoughtful look on his face and he plopped down next to me and said, "Problem solved."

I groaned and the Diaz siblings glared at him for taking their spot. Our math teacher started the class. 

♫ ♫ ♫  

"That was so rude of him!" Chantel said about what happened earlier.

"I know, it's like he doesn't care about other people's feelings," Adrian added rather dramatically.

Next Door Prankster [Tokio Hotel, Bill Kaulitz]Where stories live. Discover now