Oil me up.| Chapter 25

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"Ho, ho ho, Merry Christmas!!" the door swung open and our eyes snapped towards the door, interrupting our kiss. The kiss. THE KISS! HE KISSED ME! 

"God damn it, Howard. You dropped my glasses. This is why we can't have nice things, damn it," she tried to bend down to pick them up but failed as she couldn't go down any further. "Ruben, give them to me," she demanded and my uncle obliged.

"Why was dad even holding them?" Uncle Ruben shook his head at her.

"Don't you dare question me, boy," she waved her pointer finger in my uncle's face.

"I'm sorry your highness," he rolled his eyes at his mom.

"Hi, there kids," grandpa said as he started to walk through the door but my grandma had the same thought and they walked in together. The only problem is that they got stuck.

"Damn it, Howard. You can't do anything right," she said in a squeaky voice because she was being crushed.

"Shut up, Teresa. If only you were a decent human being who let other people go first," he glared down at her.

"I'm a lady," she snapped back at him.

"A lady my ass. You're a demon," he glared back. "In the name of Jesus Christ, I compel you."

"Oh, my God! Nobody cares, shut the fuck up," Ruben interrupted their bickering and they fell into silence. They both stopped and stepped back, looked at each other, waiting for the other to go first.

"Go ahead, ladies first," Gramps said.

"No, you go. You were complaining about it," she said.

"Oh, for fuck's sake," Ruben cursed and closed the door on them.

They both started banging on the door and Ruben looked like he wanted to claw his own eyes out.

"It's open, god damn it," he yelled and Grams opened it and quickly came inside and slammed the door shut. The problem is that grandpa's foot got caught in it and he let out a bloodcurdling scream.

Uncle Ruben grabbed me by my shoulders and looked into my eyes, horrified, "Rosie, please...if you have any humanity in you, please...please help me. Knock them out with a shovel and dig a hole with it and bury them." Poor guy looked so worn down.

"Why don't you do it yourself, muscle boy?" I asked. He's more than capable.

"I can't. I'd be the first suspect because I'd inherit everything they have," he told, while still keeping eye contact.

"Fair point. But inherit what? His Pokemon cards and all of her My Little Pony DVD's" I questioned. He narrowed his eyes at me, turned around and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV. He knew I was right.

"Damn you, woman," Howard howled in pain as grams finally let him in. He limped towards the couch and struggled to sit down.

"Oh boo-hoo you old hag," Grams booed.

"Stop!!" Ruben cried.

"Um, so, I'm gonna go up," Bill announced and rushed to the stairs and went out of sight.

I sighed and I feel miserable now. He kissed me and now he left. I mean, I know they interrupted but would he have stayed if they didn't? But then again we wouldn't have gotten interrupted.

"MOTHERFUCKER!!" a loud scream made us look towards the kitchen.

"Watch your mouth, young man," Teresa yelled.

"I'm sorry, granny T. I stubbed my toe," Georg said sadly.

"Oh, in that case, keep going," she said and joined Ruben on the couch.

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