Ooh, someone is in trouble | Chapter 30

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I have no excuses for why I've been lacking for 4 to 5 years and I've completely almost forgotten where this story was supposed to be going, so if you have requests then feel free to suggest some ideas. Maybe even rewrite the whole thing? Thanks, munchkins xoxo

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"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Adrian yelped as he accidentally ran over an older lady with his shopping cart.

I physically cringed and pretended not to know him. I walked over to the lady and helped her up, "I don't know that man and you should definitely press charges."

"Rose shut the fuck up."

I looked at him then back at the lady, "That's not even my name." 

Adrian yanked my arm and kept us walking forward. Not having both of his arms on the bar, made him lose control and almost run into another person, the wonky noisy wheel wasn't much help in this situation, "You and your snowglobe hair are really embarrassing me today." I said.

He groaned while rolling his eyes, "I regret inviting you to my Head and Shoulder's trip. Anyway..." he trailed off as his eyes were scanning the shampoo aisle we just reached, looking for said shampoo for his issue, "Uhh, so, what do you think about that new kid Cayden?" he asked.

Besides the shampoo, we are also here for more cold medicine for Chantel.

"Is he even new? I feel like we just haven't noticed him around because we are self-centered jerks. I bet it's difficult for you to see considering it's always snowing in front of your eyes with the way you do that curly twirly thing with the front of your hair that even puts Elvis to shame." I jokingly said holding back a giggle. I've gotten so much funnier in the past couple of hours.

"Can you like not bully me for 1 second? I feel like I have gray hairs coming out of my head because of you."

"That might be the dandruff making it look that way." I said fully laughing now. I kept laughing until I wheezed and couldn't breathe. His face of utter defeat was priceless

"I'm gonna run you over as well. You think that lady had it bad?" he said, laughing a bit as well. "I was gonna say that I wonder if he's gay. I'm thirsty for some tight ass and Franco's family is bound to be all gay like be fucking for real. There's no way they aren't." 

"He gives me serial killer vibes which is honestly kind of a turn-on," I replied, giving him a look, "But, I don't know, why don't you ask him out tomorrow?" I suggested as I raised my eyebrows inquisitively.

He slightly gasped, "And risk possible deep humiliation and rejection? I think not," he vigorously shook his head, "so, the next best possible solution is for you to ask him for me. I will not take no for an answer," he said as a matter of factly.

"Whoa, not giving women a choice? That's so outdated bestie, I can't believe you'd say that" I joke.

"You're no woman, you a small terrorizing little goblin," he responded. "Get back you devil."

"Oh no, it burns."

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Adrian strutted down the stairs, his brown locks dripping wet, soaking his shirt. He plopped down on the couch next to us and we all stared at him in confusion. 

"Do you know what a fucking towel is?" Tom asked him.

"Do you know how to go fuck yourself?" he said in response, "I don't live here. I don't know where you keep stuff like that."

"At least one of us is wet," Georg said as he stood behind Adrian, pushed his head forward, and squeezed the remaining water out of his hair and into his lap, soaking his jeans. "Adrian, why are you still wetting yourself, that's disgusting?"

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