Kim. K. |Chapter 8

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"Wakey, wakey, Sleeping Beauty." somebody said while poking my cheeks. It's Monday morning and I have to wake up. Not to mention, I have to go to hell. I mean school.

"Five more minutes." I groaned and switched sides, making myself comfortable.

"Oh well, would you look at that. Five minutes is up." a German accent filled my ears. In any other circumstance, I would swoon over it, but I'm sleepy and grumpy.

"No. Leave me alone," I mumbled in a sleepy state.

I felt how I was being lifted up from my bed. This is it. This the time my soul goes to hell. Goodbye, my fellow friend, we'll see again.

I was carried bridal style with my blanket wrapped around me like a cocoon. "Put me down, you peasant!" I demanded, my voice muffled by the blanket.

He didn't say anything. Hell, I could be carried to a rapist and I couldn't do anything about it. It's confirmed, Bill is Lucifer's son or something. ALERT THE MEDIA!!! Go on without me, save yourselves. I felt my insides churn as I was being dropped on the couch.

"You almost killed me," I shouted and struggled to get out of my cocoon. In the process, I fell off the couch and hurt every part of my body. He's definitely going to hell. I'll make sure of it. Even if I have to summon Crowley and probably sell my soul. Goodbye Sam & Dean Winchester. Castiel, my favorite boo.

"But I didn't... yet," he said and smirked.

"Make me coffee," I ordered.

He chuckled like it was the most stupid thing he had ever heard, "No."

"Coffee I need or kill you I will," I told, my Yoda mode switching on.

"Fine." he finally agreed.

I still glared at him and gathered my big, warm, comfy blanket in my arms and stormed back upstairs to fix my appearance. I threw it onto my bed and took my clothes out of my closet.

 I threw it onto my bed and took my clothes out of my closet

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I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I blow-dried my hair and put on my outfit for the day. You have to look good in the hood. I did my makeup, I didn't need much, I mean, I am flawless.

Just kidding! Even Jack Frost looks better than me. And Jacks's evil doppelganger, Adrian. I'm not sure how evil, but Adrian didn't save the world now did he? I think not.

I took my bag, keys and phone and of course my books I had homework from. I closed my room door and walked downstairs. I dropped my bag next to the kitchen table. I opened the fridge door and took out a slice of pizza. I put it on a plate and warmed it up in the microwave.

Once I heard the"Ding" I took it out and placed it on the table. I pulled out the chair from underneath the table and sat down. As I bit into it, Bill sat opposite to me. He also gave me my coffee. He grinned widely like he just sucked up some innocent soul.

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