Pumpkin muffin. |Chapter 7

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Look how broken he looks. I just wanna grab him in my arms and tell him that everything is gonna be okay. Just aaah.

I have some things I want to say so read the authors note at the end.


We arrived "home" and Bill is still mad at me for that awesome prank. I mean it's not my fault that I'm awesome. I removed my boots and went to my room. I sighed and looked around my room aimlessly.

I'm bored out of my mind.

My room door opened and Raquel came in. "I'm bored!"

"Tell me about it. Let's go down and watch a movie or something." I groaned out of boredom.

We made our way down and we plopped onto the couch. I logged on my Netflix account and put on "Supernatural".

"Did you miss me?" The twins asked in unison. That's really creepy when they do that.

"With every bullet so far," I said and continued to watch the series. My sarcasm always comes out whenever they are around.

 My sarcasm always comes out whenever they are around

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"Now, now, don't be mean." Tom tsked and waved his finger at me like an angry mom.

"We, well I got something for myself..." Bill said.

I cut him off by saying, "A new personality?"

He looked at me with an annoyed expression, "No, now let me finish." he sassed.

"Just get to the point." Tom groaned. He sat down next to me and waited for Bill to continue.

"As I started to say before I was rudely interrupted by some people." He announced and gave me and Tom. a stern look. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh, come on." Raquel groaned and drove her hand through her hair.

"As I was saying..." Bill started.

"You know, books are just dead tattooed trees," I said my thought out loud.

Bill let out a frustrated sigh, "I'm gonna get..."

My phone started ringing and I pulled it out of my pocket. "Mom" flashed on my phone screen And I answered. "Hey, mom."

"Ugh, I give up." Bill groaned and went up to his room. He shut his door with a loud thud.

"How's everything going?" my mom asked, with a cheery voice.

"Um, good, I guess," I replied unsurely while examining my black nails.

"That's great. Uh, I wanted to tell you something," she said, guilt  tripping from her voice.

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