I'm just here to be pretty. |Chapter 21

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I have a few words to say before you read the chapter. I am really happy that you guys read this story and maybe comment and I want to give shoutouts to LTHNalien and Ashes_In_April

Without you LTHNalien I don't think I would've continued this story and I would've just left it at chapter 3, so I really want to thank you for commenting on chapter three and for pushing me to continue on with the story. When I first read your comment for wanting more I got really giddy and so happy and I got to writing straight away, so thank you for being the first ever to comment and read this. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! Votes and comments and of course reads are extremely important to a writer because that shows that you care and are a part of this story and you support me as an author. I really like this book because I can let my creativity flow and bring content for you to read and it's really important that you support me by reading, voting and commenting. Sometimes or most of the times I get writer's block and I don't want to write at all but when you Ashes_In_April commented saying that you love this book and want more it really made me smile and thankful for your kind words and that really pushed me to write again so here you go... Enjoy the chapter and if there is anything you want to see in the next chapters let me know and maybe I can make that a reality :)))) And also the rest of you thank you for being such amazing fans of the story I just can't thank you guys enough!

PS: Have you guys heard Tokio Hotel's new song "Something new"? IT'S FUCKING AMAZING!!!


"Let the games begin," I said and cracked my knuckles. I grinned and saw a flash of long blonde hair walk by. The hair didn't walk, though, this isn't Mama. Tom entered the living room where we all sat. He looked at me for a second or two before speaking, "Rosebud," he sighed, "She doesn't like you so you have to leave, sorry. She'll be back in a few." Tom said apologetically.

"Sure, whatever you need. Just give me a minute," I smiled fakely and a plan already formed in my head. Tom nodded and left.

"Adrian, here's an idea. I'll give you headphones and I'll call you so I can hear whatever you guys may speak, got it?" I told and waited for a response.

"I'm allergic to headphones after what happened earlier," he told and blinked slowly, having no fucks to give.

"Well," I clapped my hands together, "you had it coming. Now, do as I say." I ordered and fished earbuds from my back pocket and gave them to him. He connected them to his phone and I dialed his number and he pressed the green button to answer me. "Great, now when they'll go to his room, tell me because I don't want to miss the prank." I hurried off to my room and shut the door and laid down on my bed and held the phone to my ear.

"Can you hear me? Over." I said into the phone's microphone like a secret agent.

"We aren't the FBI, Rose," Adrian replied.

"You're crushing my dreams, Unicorn," I said.

"Okay, they're coming," he informed and fell silent. I tried to listen as intently as I possibly could and heard Tom introduce his date. Her name is Aria if I heard correctly.  That name reminded me of Aria Montogomery from Pretty Little Liars, whom I didn't like at all. So Aria you won't be here for long. She said "Hi" to everyone and I mentally groaned. I already don't like her.

"Can you stab her for me?" I asked Adrian and he snorted causing Tom to ask what's wrong.

"Spit got into the wrong pipe." he lied smoothly.

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