KillBill| Chapter 19

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We've already covered one wall with posters of myself and the Bieber ones. It looks great, absolutely great. Great. Did I say great already? 

"This is absolutely fabulous." Adrian commented as he admired the wall of "fame".

"I know. My hair is on fleek." I told and held up a poster of us all three together, Adrian in his squirrel costume. "Hey, squirrel?" I called.

Adrian turned around, his lips pursed together."I assume I'm the squirrel." he said.

"Obviously." I scoffed. "Can you get me the double-sided tape," I asked.

He held it in his hand and reached it out to me. "Can you also cut little pieces out for me?" I asked sweetly.

"But of course, my dear sweet Rosalina," Adrian said in a weird British accent.

"I don't understand the weird thing you guys have going on," Bill said honestly as he put up a picture of me on the wall.

"Damn, I look gorgeous," I said jokingly and he rolled his eyes.

"Hey, Rosalina?" Bill called after a minute of silence.

"What do you need KillBill?" I asked.

"Are your hands feeling heavy? Cause I can hold them for you," he said. "And KillBill, really?" he asked and squinted his eyes at me.

"Mhmm, I'm gonna call you killer from now on," I said and smiled.

"Did you even watch the movie?" he asked.

"Nope." I popped the 'P'. "Guys...Friends are like cows, if you eat them, they die anyway."

"That didn't make any sense," Bill told and was now onto the next poster with Mr. Bieber.

"When somebody says 'Fuck you' they don't actually want to fuck you," I said to piss them off.

Bill cocked his eyebrow while Adrian nodded agreeing with me. "That is a good point. You know, I've read all these books and the main girl character is like 'Fuck you' and the main guy character is like 'get in line'." he shook his head disappointed with the world that we live in.

"Hey, killer? Fuck you." I said to Bill.

"Get in line," he smirked.

"Next to what? Your right hand?" I asked sweetly.

"Now, that needs to happen in one of those books." Adrian nodded and continued doing his work.

"Maybe we are in a book?" I questioned to mindfuck them.

The door opened to Tom's room and our heads snapped towards it. Raquel narrowed her eyes at all of us. "What the hell are you guys doing?" she asked with an accusing tone.

"We're going to prank Tom, obviously," I said and scoffed.

"Weren't you guys supposed to prank each other?" Raquel asked as she motioned towards me and Bill.

"Well, yeah, we'll get into that after this one," I said and Bill nodded.

"Mkay. I'm leaving. I don't want Tom to kill me." Raquel said and walked out closing the door behind her.

After an hour there were only two walls left to cover and it was exhausting.

"My hands are falling off." Adrian cried as he shook his hands.

"Then stop shaking them, Sandy," I told flatly.

"Who's Sandy?" Bill stopped his work to ask that question.

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