I'll Yoda the shit outta you. |Chapter 4

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"You done unpacking?" asked Raquel as she came into my room. I look out the window to see my house, where I wish I could be. I also took my Audi and parked it in front of their house.

Yes, we got our separate rooms, which is totally awesome. My room has a large window and in front of it is a wooden colored king sized bed. Next to it is a bedside table in the same color. In the corner is a tall dresser and four little paintings above the dresser. On the floor is a beige carpet and walls are a brown-greyish. And I also have another dresser and on top of it is a big mirror. Raquel's room is pretty much the same but smaller.

"Yes," I answered bluntly. Bill opened my room door and sat down on my bed. He didn't even knock.

"Girls." he greeted us.

"Bill," I said seriously. Raquel smiled.

"So, we are having a movie night. So Ricki and Tom are getting the movies and me and you are going to get something to eat." Bill said to us, a stupid smirk plastered on his face.

"Right now?" I asked. Please say no, please say no. If he says no, I'll have time to dig myself a grave and wait there until my mom comes back.

"Yes, right now. Let's go," he said and walked out.


I walked out of my pretty room and went downstairs, Raquel was close behind me. I went through the living room, which is modern and really pretty. I slid on my black converse and left the house. I saw that the blonde twin was in my precious car and I hopped in.

"How did you get my car keys?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"They were on your dresser. I couldn't pass my chance," he smirked and pressed the gas pedal.

"Whatever," I mumbled and waited for the ride to be over.

"Whatever," I mumbled and waited for the ride to be over

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(Her outfit)

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We were strolling through different aisles and getting stuff here and there. My phone rang and I picked up my sisters call.

"Texas crematorium you kill 'em we grill 'em how can I direct your call?" I asked as calmly as I could,

Raquel and Bill burst out laughing and I can hear Tom laughing too. She must have put me on speaker. We can't even move forward because he was laughing so hard. I chuckled and asked her what she wanted.

"Oh dear God.." she said laughing through tears, "bring a bunch of popcorn, chips, Oreos, coke, candy..."

We got the stuff and we were walking towards the cashier. We got in the line as Bill was checking out girls.

"Ohh, god damn." Bill whistled as she eyed a girl with short brown hair and God damn was she pretty.

The elderly man who was currently paying had some sort of error because it was taking forever and the cashier went to do something. And as usual, we get the short line with problems or with people who have a cart full of groceries. Isn't life great?

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