Bieber and me. |Chapter 12

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"Rosie! Get your cute little butt over here!" Tom yelled from his room.

I squinted my eyes at my door, deciding if I should go or not. Probably not. I continued my adventure in my laptop. That little black dot on my laptop screen is really interesting.

"Roselle!" He screamed again.

I wonder what I should eat tonight. Nutella or Oreo's, maybe even children's souls. That pudding looked really appealing in the fridge earlier.

"Rose!" Tom said as he opened my room door, looking at me with his judgy eyes.

"Oh, hey Tom what brings you here on a bright sunny day?" I ask sarcastically.

"So you want to tell me that you didn't hear me screaming for you," Tom asked suspiciously.

"What screaming?" I asked sweetly, pretending that I didn't hear him.

He looked at me weirdly, deciding if he should believe me or not. I smiled sweetly back at him.

"Anyway, come with me." He demanded and pulled me up by my hand.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed. He was interrupting my internet time. Rude.

"Advice." He told and pulled me into his room. Surprisingly his room was clean. And I mean clean, clean. Like really clean.

"This is a Christmas miracle," I told as I took in my surroundings.

"Haha, very funny." He said sarcastically.

He gestured towards his bed and I gulped. He then walked up to his bed and picked up ten different shirts. I sighed in relief. Thankfully I'm here for a completely different thing.

"Help me pick a shirt for my date." He said and looked at me pleadingly.

"You want me to pick out a shirt for your date?" I chocked out. I wanna know who is the unlucky girl who is gonna wait for a phone call she's never going to get.

"I'm pretty sure that's what I said." He smirked.

"Well, that depends on what you like the most and on her taste," I replied. I think at least.

"She hates Justin Bieber and you." He told.

"And that is gonna help how? When's your date?" I asked. And why does she hate me? I'm a likable person.

"In 4 four days." He replied while examining the shirts.

"Uh, and why are you preparing now?" I asked. I thought about her not liking Beiber and I got an idea.

"Because I like to be prepared?" he replied casually.

Prepared to dump her, I thought in my head and scoffed.

"Is she coming here after the date?" I asked. I laughed evilly in my head.

"Yes, why?" He replied unsurely.

"No reason," I smirked. Prank Tom mission officially in action. I will ask Adrian for help because I don't think I'll be able to pull it off on my own. I could if I'd have a lot of time. Tom could come earlier and that would ruin my plan, so I better not risk it.

"So which one?" he asked holding up three his three favorite shirts from the ten.

"The gray one." I told and he nodded, "Anything else?"

"No," he told and smirked. Why are they always smirking? I nodded and turned around and walked out of his room. As I walked I pulled out my phone from my back pocket and my phone flew out of my hand as I bumped into someone.

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