Have a good night sleep, darling. |Chapter 5

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I plopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I heard footsteps approaching me and Raquel jumped next to me.

"Give me the remote," she ordered. As I ignored her, she grabbed it out of my hand. I rolled my eyes at her and she put on Httyd 2.

"Seriously? How to train your dragon 2?" I told annoyed. Raquel is a really girly teenager and she loves her animations.

"It's even better than Big Hero 6," she exclaimed and placed her feet on my lap.

"Oh damn, puberty did a great job on Hiccup. Sad that he's fictional." I pointed out.

"I know right."

"Puberty did a great job on who?" Bill asked as he joined us on the couch.

"Not you," I told and smirked.

Raquel chuckled at my sarcastic comment, "Hiccup." she replied.

We heard the front door shut with a loud bang," We're back bitches." Georg shouted and walked casually to us. He smiled smugly and picked up Raquel and placed her down on the floor.

"What the hell!" she yelled and stood up.

Georg sat down next to me, awfully close and he rested his arm behind my neck.

"Great, who spawned the devil?" I said bitterly.

"I'm your Genie in a bottle, baby." Georg corrected me.

"Is the Genie and the bottle burnable? I promise I'll flush your ashes down the toilet." I told and shoved his hand away.

"I'm no organ donor but I'd be happy to give you my heart." Georg tried to be cute.

"Don't be creepy," Raquel said and made a disgusted face.

I rolled my eyes and stood up and left the room. I opened my room door forcefully and the door hit the wall. I screamed as I heard an airhorn go off. I heard loud laughing from downstairs. Raquel ran upstairs and ran past me.

"What happened?" she questioned, worry plastered on he face.

"Bill happened." I spat and found the airhorn taped on the wall, behind my door.

Bill came into my room, still laughing and clapping his hand together.

"Old school pranks never get old," Bill told and leaned against my door frame.

"Pissed me off you have. Back at you I'm gonna get." I annoyed him with my Yoda talk. It's like my second language. I speak it whenever I get pissed.

Bill looked at me with an annoyed expression. "Yeah, I'd like to see what you come up with. Or you could just give up, you're never gonna beat me in a prank war. I'm the king of pranks." he told proudly.

I took a deep breath and cooled off, as I started to reply, my phone began blasting my ringtone. I sent a death glare towards Bill and took my phone out of my back pocket.

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