Baking soda volcano.|Chapter 9

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"In 1864, Marx became involved in the International Workingmen's Association to whose General Council he was elected at its inception in 1864." Bill read from Wikipedia, Courtney writing it down. It is the last fact of our work.

A few more minutes until class ends. "Next time you can finish your work and then you will represent it. You're free to go." Mrs. Kellum said.

I put my stuff in my bag and stood up, everybody else doing the same.

"Whoo!! Whoo!! Freedom!!" Adrian shouted ecstatically, getting a few weird looks from people. He grabbed a hold of my hand, pulling me with him and out of the classroom. I almost fell on my face because of him. We reached our lockers and we took out chemistry books. I have that class with Adrian, Chantel, and Bill.

Chantel approached us, a large smile on her face. "Hey, bitches."

We made our way to chemistry class. I plopped down on my seat and Bill entered the class like he owns the place. His eyes locked with mine and a smirk crept onto his face. He made his way towards me and sat next to me. The Diaz siblings glared at him once again and they sat behind us.

The teacher began our class and we had to take some tools because we are going to make an experiment. We're supposed to make a baking soda volcano. With Bill as my partner, there is a 100 percent chance that we're gonna set the school on fire.

I took the plastic soda bottle and placed it in a baking pan. I took a bowl to mix the ingredients in.

"Okay, so mix 6 cups of flour, 2 cups of salt, food coloring, 4 tablespoons of cooking oil and 2 cups of water," I told Bill as I read the instructions.

He hummed in response and did as I told.

"The resulting mixture should be smooth and firm," I said.

"Done," Bill told. "What now?"

"Now mold the dough around the bottle without covering the opening or dropping dough into it," I said.

Bill looked at me and said, "You do it, it sounds too complicated."

I snorted and took the pink dough and wrapped it around the bottle, making it look like a volcano.

"It looks like a penis." Bill pointed out while chuckling like a twelve-year-old boy.

"No, it doesn't," I told. I mean, it does a little.

I felt a finger poking my shoulder and I turned around. Chantel smiled sheepishly at me, "Did you succeed?" she asked.

"It looks like a penis," Adrian told and smirked.

"No." I disagreed.

"Trust me, honey, I know my stuff." he sassed, making me cringe.

"Okay, what now?" Bill asked.

"Fill the bottle most of the way full with warm water and add a bit of red food color," I said.

He poured the warm water into the bottle. I added 6 drops of detergent.

"Now add 2 tablespoons of baking soda."

Bill looked at me, his famous smirk crept onto his face and he said, "You be the battery, I'll be the aluminum foil and together we'll light up the world."

"Please don't start." I groaned.

"My love for you is like the universe...never ending!" he cooed.

"Please, stop," I begged. If he doesn't one of those might even work. But it's like one in a million chance of that happening.

"Even if there wasn't gravity on earth, I'd still fall for you," he whispered in my ear. His soothing voice ran shivers down my back.

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