Idea generator.| Chapter 27

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"You're so fucking useless, Rose," Adrian said to me as I was sitting on his bed.

He literally forced me to come here. He still has to plan that Halloween party for school. I don't even know why he decided to volunteer. Probably because he's stupid. He is forcing me to come up with ideas. I know that I'm the brains in this friendship but come on.

If he wasn't my best friend he would be dead by now.

"Why are you so rude?" I gasped, "I fucking gave you an idea."

"A spanking competition with broom sticks isn't a good idea, you little shit," he rolled his eyes.

"But it's an idea and I encourage you to consider it," I told and made myself comfortable.

"You fucking fucknugget," he cursed and I laughed.

"Did I already suggest a rap battle?" I wondered.

"I think so. But Rose... You can't solve everything with rap battles," he stated.

"Of course, I can. Rap battle is the answer to everything. But anyway, would you be into it, though?" I asked.

"I can be into a lot of things. For example... I'd love to be in your uncle," he smirked.

I gagged and I literally almost threw up.

"You are so fucking gross," I shook my head at him.

"Fine. I'll stop," he said much to his dismay, "I'm actually into that rap battle. But how would that work, though?" he asked and rubbed his imaginary beard.

"Well, people could either freestyle or you could write the lyrics before hand and maybe, I don't know,  you could just hand the lyrics to them. That way you could just fuck them over and make it embarrassing for them. I'm sure the audience will love it," I said.

"Okay, okay. I like it. Keep going," he said.

"All right, uh..." I had to think, "Well. that's basically it. You could also so multiple rounds. Someone could battle the winner of the first round and do the same on the third round." I kept giving him ideas.

What the fuck would he do without me?

He made a gasping sound and placed his hand over his heart, stumbling back a bit, "Oh my, God. I'm getting hit with inspiration."

I rolled my eyes, "Soon you'll be getting hit by my fist."

"Mhm, that's right. Fist me, Daddy," he winked at me.

"Aaand I'm done here," I said and beelined it for the door. I tried to run out but he tackled me. He sat on my lower back.

"You are my idea generator. You can't leave me," he said matter of factly.

"Are you trying to kill me?"

"No, of course not. If I did then who would give me ideas?" he asked.

"What the fuck?" Chantel asked. I couldn't even look up at her because I was pinned to the ground, face first.

"Hey, guuurl," I said, my voice getting muffled by the fuzzy carpet.

"Hi," her voice faltered. "Am I interrupting something?" she asked.

"No, no. She just tried to escape," I felt him shrug.

Poor Chantel is probably so confused and freaked out.

"I'm just gonna take her and protect her from you," she said while pushing him off of me. She helped me up and we went to her room.

"Spill the beans," she said while throwing her bag into the floor next to a chair.

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