☆ The Scare ☆

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"Amy, what's wrong? I just got your text saying "Help" in all caps." Colby said, running in and stopping at the table, Hartley, Amy, and I were seated at.

"Oh, I'm gonna need you to run home and grab my math homework. And Hartley, I'm gonna need you to do my math homework." Amy said, turning to Colby and then back to Hartley.

"I am not doing your math homework." Hartley said from the chair next to me as she got up and walked away, rolling her eyes.

"I figured she'd say that, which is why I already wrote my name on hers." Amy said, watching as she left, making Colby and I chuckle.

I watched as Gem ran into Colby, making his groan lightly.

"Hey!" Colby said, turning to the girl with furrowed eyebrows.

"Out of my way, Mini-Madden." Gem spat at him, standing up straight again.

"Gem, I'm taller than you." Colby scoffed.

"Well, I'm not updating my burns just because you had a growth spurt." Gem said, making Colby roll his eyes and walk away as I stood up from my chair at the table.

"Hey, no one talks to my brother like that except me... and my other brother... and my mom....and my dad....and Evelyn when he does something stupid." Amy said, making me smile and wink at her as I stood beside her, arms crossed. "Okay, a lot of people do, but not you."

"Fine. I don't need to talk about him when I can talk about you." Gem said walking past me, bumping my shoulder as she did so making me mumble 'bitch' as she went by. "Attention, everyone. I've got some very exciting news. As you all know, I recently started my own online gossip channel."

"Yeah, we know, and we don't care." Amy said, rolling her eyes.

"Well, you're gonna care. Because during tonight's live stream, I'm gonna drop the biggest bomb yet. And it's all about you." Gem said, walking towards Amy, booping her nose.

"Did she just touch me? She touched me. Hartley, she touched me!" Amy said, turning to Hartley, making me put my hand on her shoulder with wide eyes.

"You see, Amy's been keeping a juicy secret from everyone. And her perfect friends Hartley and Evelyn have been covering for her. But tonight, I'm gonna share video evidence that'll expose everything and take them both down. Hope you're ready, 'cause once word gets out, your lives will never be the same." Gem glared at us before smiling and practically skipping away. "Have a great day! Bye!"

"You don't actually think... " Hartley said as we watched with disbelief as the glittery popular girl walked away.

"She can't." I mumbled back.

"Gem knows I'm Havoc." Amy said, staring ahead of her.


"I don't get it. What evidence could Gem have that we're villains?" Amy said as we sat at the small school table during their free period.

Oh? No. I don't have a free period right now. I'm just skipping science. Besides, Amy needs me right now...

"Well, you do use your powers to get whatever you want, whenever you want, so that might have something to do with it." Hartley said matter-of-factly.

"Hartley, this is no time for the blame game." Amy said, shaking off Hartleys sentence.

"Whatever, my life's over anyways. When people find out I've been keeping your secret, I'll be burned at the stake." Hartley said, making me look up from my pencil that I had been playing with furrowing my eyebrows at the scared girl.

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