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Following season 1 episode 3 of Good Girls.

5 Days Later

6:00 PM


"Got any plans with Rio this weekend?" Grace wiggles her eyebrows.

"I don't really talk to him anymore," I say. It's true, I haven't seen him since Sunday and it's not Friday.

"Well, looks like it's your lucky day because look who's here!" I look at the front door to see Rio opening it. I should have locked it, but he probably would have found a way in still.

"Hey, Rio!" Grace beams. Rio gives her a small smile.

"What do you two have planned?" Grace wonders, a smile still on her face.

"We're just going to hang out at Saige's apartment," Rio says. 

"Well, you two have fun! I'll see you on Monday, Saige!" Grace waves goodbye to both of us, and when she gets to the door and is behind Rio, she thrusts her hips forward and mouths,

"Let me know how it is!" 

She giggles to herself as she walks to her car. I keep my eyes on her as she unlocks it; gets in the drivers seat; sets her purse in the passenger; sticks her keys in the ignition and turns them; and pulls out of her regular parking spot and gets on the road. I move my eyes to Rio, who's already looking at me.

"You're not coming to my apartment," I state.

"Yeah, I am. Lets go," says Rio. He takes three steps back so he's by the door.

"Girls don't typically like it when a guy is so demanding," I snap. Rio sighs.

"I said I wanted to get to know you better, Saige."

"And I said that I didn't want to get to know you better." Rio lets out another sigh.

"I'm really trying here, Saige. I'm not the best when it comes to relationships but I really want to try for you," says Rio. This shocks me. Rio only saw me one week ago and already has feelings for me?

"Tell me where you're sending my aunts and why," I demand.

"I told you that I don't want you in that part of my life," says Rio.

"Sometimes we have to compromise when we really don't want to, Rio," I say. 

"On Monday, they're going to Canada to smuggle counterfeit money back for me," Rio admits. I raise my eyebrows.

"You make fake money into real money somehow?" I ask. Rio nods.

"I answered your questions," he reminds me. I sigh. A couple of hours with him won't hurt you, Saige. 

I grab my belongings and walk out from behind the front desk. Rio opens the door for me and I lock it.

"I'll follow behind you. Straight to your apartment," Rio says. He walks to his car, which of course is next to mine, and gets in.  

"Straight to your apartment," I mimic him in a grumble. 

Rio is hot on my tail the entire drive back to my apartment. I do think about driving all around the neighborhood, but I really don't want to piss Rio off and be on his bad side. I've seen first hand what happens when you are. I flick on my blinker and turn into my apartment complex's parking lot. I pull into my unofficial parking spot and watch as Rio pulls into the empty spot beside me.

I slowly get out of my car and hit the lock button on my key fab. It's silent as Rio follows me to the front entrance. I unlock it with the key card I was given when I moved in two years ago. I walk to the elevator and step inside, hitting the 4 button. As the elevator moves up, I glance up at Rio. His hands are in the pockets of his black jacket and his eyes are fixated on the metal door ahead of us. Before he can catch me looking, I glance away. 

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