A View from the Top

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Following season 1 episode 6 of Good Girls. 


"Why am I driving you to a park?" I ask Annie as I pull into a makeshift parking space. Annie had invited me over to her apartment after work so Sadie could give me the souvenir she picked out for me from her trip to Hawaii with her dad and step-mom. Once Sadie's babysitter showed up, Annie asked me to drive her to a local park.

"You don't wanna hang out with your aunt?" Annie feigns hurt by dramatically putting her hands to her chest. 

"Annie, it is ten-thirty on a Friday night in December at a park. Why would we hang out here?" I ask. 

"You are a mini Beth sometimes. Okay, fine, I just want to test a theory of mine out." I watch Annie, still confused, as she gets out of my passenger seat. Sighing, I take my keys out of the ignition and get out. I walk to Annie, who is now slightly swinging back and forth. I take a seat on the swing next to her. 

"What's this theory that you want to test out?" I wonder. 

"I'll...tell you later," Annie dismisses. 

Before I can antagonize her more, headlights shine over us. I look over to where the lights are coming from and after squinting, I recognize Beth's light blue van. Two people get out from the drivers and passenger seats, who I'm assuming are Beth and Ruby. What the hell is going on? 

"Annie Marie Marks, I cannot believe you brought Saige here!" Beth yells. She looks furious.

"Technically, Saige is the one who brought me here," Annie clarifies. Ruby gives her an are you serious? look. 

"Saige, go home," Beth demands.

"How am I supposed to get back to my apartment if she leaves?!" Annie exclaims. 

"After the little stunt you pulled, you can walk back for all I care," Beth scoffs.

"What is going on here? Why are the three of you meeting at a random park at almost eleven at night?" I ask. 

"Nothing that involves you. Go home, Saige," Beth demands in a harsher tone. A lightbulb goes off in my head. 

"Rio's coming here, isn't he?" I ask. Nobody answers me, but the worried looks on Beth and Ruby's faces silently answer my question. I look at Annie, who has started swinging again, this time a bit higher.

"Your theory is to see if Rio will get mad that I'm here," I state. Annie sighs, a guilty expression coming across her face.

"Well, Beth said that he also doesn't want you involved, and nothing happened when you and Grace came shopping with us a couple weeks ago," Annie justifies. 

"Rio didn't say anything to you about us coming with?" I ask Beth. She shakes her head no

"Did he say anything to you?" Beth wonders. I haven't seen Rio in person for almost three weeks. We've texted here and there but that's it.

"I haven't seen him," I say. A knowing look quickly crosses Beth's face but I don't question it. 

"Gosh, this place is so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it!" Annie groans out of frustration. 

"Is this where you came to get high?" Ruby chuckles. 

"Ah ha! This is where you and Grace used to come drink on Saturday nights! I would bring you guys the alcohol!" Annie smiles in satisfaction. I just stare at Annie in disbelief, shocked that she outed my underage drinking to Beth and Ruby, but mainly Beth.

"When you said that you were staying the night at Grace's, you two were coming here to drink?!" Beth exclaims.

"Oh, Beth, don't look so shocked. Come on, she is my niece, too," Annie laughs. 

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