Mo Money Mo Problems

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Following season 1 episode 2 of Good Girls.

Saturday Morning

9:55 AM


"These fries are cold." Annie spits out the piece of fry she bit off.

"They aren't mine. Why would I order fries when it's breakfast time?" I state. Even though I'm not looking at her, I know she's rolling her eyes. I take a sip of my coffee and glance at Ruby. She has a terrified look on her face from whatever she's staring at that's behind Annie and I.

"What's wrong?" I ask. Ruby doesn't answer.

"You okay?" Annie asks. 

"You two stay here." Ruby seems to come out of her scared-like trance and walks out from behind the front counter. Annie and I turn around in our stools to see where she's walking to. My eyes widen as I see the three gang members that were at my house last evening. We watch as the leader and Ruby talk for a couple of minutes. Ruby takes a couple steps back as the three stand up from the booth and leave the diner. Ruby walks back over to us and behind the counter, opening the cash register.

"Well, what'd he say?" Annie wonders.

"Um, we have until one PM tomorrow to get him his money; that's what time he's arriving at your house, Beth. Also, he had to get going because he's meeting Saige at the mall soon," Ruby informs. 

"Saige and Gang Leader actually made plans?" Annie wonders in disbelief.

"I don't think Saige probably had a say," Ruby says.

"We have to get going if we only have twenty-seven hours to get him all of his money," I say. Annie and I quickly stand up and make our way to my van.

"What are we going to do?" Annie asks.

"I'm going to rummage all around my house and take whatever I think's valuable to the pawn shop."

10:55 AM


I pull into Botanic Bay's parking lot and pull into the empty space next to Grace's car. I turn mine off, grab my wallet and phone, and get out of my car and into hers.

"Hey!" she gives me a smile as she backs out of her parking space.

"How's your morning been?" I ask. Grace lets out a dramatic moan.

"Well, I've been up since the ass crack of dawn because Gia has the play her workout videos at full volume!" Grace complains. Gia is Grace's older sister. She's twenty-six, and the two of them live together in a house that's about thirty minutes away from my apartment complex. 

"Why don't you join her in her workout?" I suggest. We come to a stop at a red light, and Grace turns her head to give me a you know me better, Saige. look. I giggle.

"How was your night?" Grace asks. I tense up at the thought of walking in on my aunts getting threatened by a gang leader, and afterwards that same gang leader took me on a walk around the neighborhood.

"Good. I just hung out at Beth's with Annie and Ruby," I lie. Grace hums.

The rest of the forty minute drive to the mall, we talk about what stores we want to stop at. 

"Ah ha!" Grace quickly jerks her wheel and turns her car into an empty parking spot. We had been driving up and down the rows of parking spots for the past five minutes looking for an empty parking spot. 

The two of us get out and link arms as we walk to one of the side entrances of the mall. 

"Bath & Body Works first?" Grace suggests. I nod, since the store is quite literally in front of us. 

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