Taking Care of Business

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Following season 1 episode 5 of Good Girls.


"You still haven't had sex with him?!" I glare at my best friend from the passenger seat of her car. 

"No, I haven't," I snap. She's initiated this conversation with me when I slipped that I was staying at Rio's last Friday night. I actually ended up staying the whole weekend.

"You know he has to be good in bed," Grace giggles. I snort. 

She pulls up behind Ruby's car and parks. We didn't need to do any inventory today, and Annie happened to text me asking if Grace and I wanted to go shopping. 

Beth and Ruby look surprised to see Grace and I. I notice the map Beth always using for Black Friday Shopping to pinpoint the stores with the best sales. 

"Planning for Black Friday early?" I wonder. It's two weeks away.

"What are you two doing here?" Ruby asks. I place a hand on my heart and act hurt.

"Annie invited us. You don't want to see your dear nieces?" I joke. Ruby and Beth glares at Annie, who holds her hands up in surrender. 

"I need to talk to you." Beth stands up and grabs Annie's wrist, dragging her out of the room.


"What in the world were you thinking inviting Saige and Grace?! This isn't a normal shopping trip!" I exclaim in a whisper.

"Well, it's not like I was going to tell them that we're using counterfeit money!" Annie tries to defend herself.

"They didn't get themselves into us like we did. You heard what Rio said earlier, we're on the hook now: you, me, and Ruby. Not our niece and her best friend!" I continue.

"I don't see what the problem is since we aren't telling them that we're washing money for a gang," says Annie. I sigh.

"Like myself, that gang leader doesn't want Saige involved in any of this. Who knows what he'll do to us when he figures out we invited her and her best friend," I finish. Realization finally washes over Annie's face.

"Well...he's still getting his share of the money. So, what he doesn't know won't hurt him, right?" Annie smiles at me before walking back to the living room. 


"Gracie, do you wanna come with me?" Annie smiles at my best friend as her and Beth walk back into the living room. Beth has an unimpressed look on her face as she crosses her arms across her chest. 

"We aren't all going together?" Grace wonders. 

"The three of us have different stores we want to hit," Ruby says. Suspicion fills my body as I dart my eyes between the three. If they're all going to different stores, then why was Beth using her Black Friday map? Maybe she's just being a helpful friend--because Beth can and will find all the good deals--but something tells me this isn't the case this time.

"Oh. Sure, I'll go with you!" Grace smiles at Annie. The two have became close ever since Grace and I met. Annie has definitely rubbed off on Grace.

"You're coming with me." Beth links her arm with mine and jerks me towards the front door.

"Wow, thanks for the choice," I mutter. I don't argue, though, knowing that Beth is wanting me to come with her instead of Ruby or Annie for a reason. I'm pretty sure I can guess who that reason is, too. 

"Where are we going?" I ask as Beth backs out of the driveway.

"Cloud9," Beth answers. 

It's silent for a good five minutes. I wait for Beth to break the silence and start her interrogation about Rio and I but she doesn't; she just hums along to the songs playing on the radio. 

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