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Following season 2 episode 13 of Good Girls.



"Hey," I greet my boyfriend with a smile. 

"I have a favor to ask of you," Rio states. I raise an eyebrow at him, silently urging him to continue. 

"Can I crash at your apartment for a bit? Mine's is getting deep cleaned," Rio asks. 

"That's no problem," I say, excited to see Rio even more. 

"Thanks, Darling. I gotta get going, but I'll meet you at yours later tonight." Rio's phone makes a noise and he grabs it from his back pocket, his face slightly hardening from whatever he's looking at. Without saying anything else, he slips his phone back into his pocket and walks out of the shop. 

"Was that Rio I heard?" Grace asks, returning from the green house. 

"Yeah. He's going to be staying with me for a bit," I say, watching Rio get into his car. He grabs his phone again and holds it up to his ear. He looks calm as he starts talking to whoever as he smoothly backs out of the parking space.

"Saige?" I look away from the front door and back at Grace. She chuckles, obviously had been watching me stare at my boyfriend.

"I asked why Rio is staying with you," Grace wonders. 

"Said his place is getting deep cleaned," I answer. 

"Doesn't it take only like, a day to have your place deep cleaned? Rio's apartment isn't that big," Grace says. I shrug my shoulders.

"I don't know. Maybe he wants to test the waters of seeing what it would be like to live together," I suggest. Grace raises an eyebrow, a small smirk forming on her lips. 

"Have you been thinking about you guys moving in together?" Grace asks. I shrug my shoulders again. 

"Possibly. I mean, our one year anniversary is next week, and we've stayed at each other's places for the weekend countless of times. I just haven't brought it up to Rio because...well, he obviously likes his privacy. I don't want to move in with him or he into my place and we start fighting," I explain. 

"Talk to him about it! You are the one who's said Rio is more open now," Grace points out. 

"I will, I will." I wave my hand at her. Her phone chimes, signaling a text message.

"It's Gia. She's wondering if we want to meet her and Brooke at that sports bar next to the Credit Union bank tomorrow night," Grace informs. I nod.

"Sure! I don't have anything going on."

Next Morning;

"I'm going out with Grace tonight after work," I say to Rio as I pull the green colored knit sweater over my head. 

"Where to?" Rio asks. 

"That sports bar across the street from the Credit Union bank. Gia and Brooke invited us," I answer. He nods, slipping a black hoodie over his head. 

"I can bring you back something to eat if you'd like," I offer. I trail out of my bedroom and to my bathroom, Rio on my tail. I grab my hair brush and start running it through my hair. 

"Sure. Just order something you think I'd like," Rio says. I eye him through the mirror as he spritz on some cologne. 

"You trust me that much?" I tease, setting my brush down. 

"'Course I do. I trust you with my life," Rio says in an obvious not teasing tone. His hands settle on my hips and he leans down to leave a few kisses on my neck. He squeezes my hips, silently asking me the question. 

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