Not Just Cards

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Following season 3 episode 2 of Good Girls. 


"Did everybody go to the same Kroger to get flowers?" Annie jokes. Ruby and I shoot her a look.

"Sorry," she mutters, taking a sip of her probably semi-warm coffee now. 

"I mean, he did try to frame Stan and tried to lock us all up," Annie continues. Sympathy isn't Annie's strong suit at some times. 

"A man lost his life!" Ruby snaps. Annie holds her hands up in surrender. 

I let out a breath, crouching down and placing the gas station bouquet of flowers along with the others. I stare at Turner's memorial photo for a couple of minutes, a certain thought racing through my head. It just has to be a coincidence that three months after he died, Turner dies. Did his gang have something to do with it? His men were at the scene...

I stand up and look over at the other two, who are already looking at me. 

"You all right?" Ruby wonders. I nod, a smile gracing my face.

"Guess we're back in business." 


Saturday, Saige's 23rd Birthday

"Did you see the news about...agent?" Grace asks. It was all over Facebook and the local news station this morning and how it looks like it was a drive-by. Detectives are assuming it happened sometime Friday afternoon, and Friday afternoon I was picking Rio up from the hotel and taking him to get his new black G-Wagon. I'm not stupid, though, but I haven't said anything about it to Rio. He's visiting with Marcus and Rhea this morning, then meeting the rest of us to celebrate my birthday tonight. 

"Saige?" I snap out of my internal thoughts and look over at Grace. A car honking behind me makes me look forward and realize the stoplight is green. I step on the pedal and get back into the flow of traffic. 

"Yeah, I heard about it," I answer. 

"We can go to iHop if you want," Grace offers. I hold in my annoyed sigh realizing that Grace thinks I was zoning out because of Beth and not going out for breakfast with her. 

"It's not that. Plus, I haven't been to Perkins in forever," I say. I can practically feel the sense that she thinks I'm lying. 

"What am I supposed to do, Grace? Drive over to Beth's house and say I forgive her and ask her to take me out for our annual iHop breakfast? All she's going to tell me is lies and excuses on why she thought it was okay to shoot my boyfriend. Losing that relationship with her is eating me up, but dwelling on it is going to do me no good. I'm going to have to get used to not having Beth in my life," I say. Thankfully, we've arrived to our breakfast of choice and I turn into the parking spot. 


"I can't believe you made them sing," Happy Birthday," to me," I mutter, unlocking my car and getting in. Grace laughs and I whack her with my purse. 

"Oh, come on! It's payback for making the whole cafeteria sing, "Happy Birthday," on my eighteenth birthday!" Grace declares. I laugh at the memory. 

"So, you waited five years for revenge?" I ask, backing out of the parking space. 

"Well, I just never had the chance to until now," Grace says. 

"I'm going to stop at the gas station near the nail salon if you don't mind," I say. Grace hums, waving her hand as her gaze stays locked on her phone. 

Flicking on my blinker and turning into the gas station, I pull up to an empty pump and shut off the engine. Grabbing my debit card, I pay and grab the nozzle. 

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