Slow Down, Children at Play

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Follow season 2 episode 2 of Good Girls.

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"I didn't know Rio has a kid," Beth says. I glance away from Kenny in the swimming pool practicing his laps and at my aunt, a confused look on my face.

"How do you know Rio has a kid?" I ask. 

"I saw him with him at the park a couple days ago," Beth answers. I nod, finishing my fountain pop Pepsi. 

"Be right back; I'm going to go throw this away and go to the bathroom." Beth nods as I carefully make my way down the bleachers. I toss my cup into a garbage can and easily find the bathroom. I do my business and wash and dry my hands. 

Heading back to the swimming pool, I halt in the doorway seeing Rio sitting behind Beth. The two seem to be whispering to each other. Rio seems cool and a bit intrigued and Beth seems tense and nervous. Beth slides a paper bag over to Rio as she continues to talk to him. Rio looks away from her and into the bag. His cool and intrigued demeanor instantly changes as his body tenses and his dark eyes harden. He whispers something into Beth's ear, pats her shoulder, and stands up. There's only one entrance and exit to the community center and Rio has to pass me to leave. I freeze, not knowing if I should run back to the bathroom and hide or stay where I am. 

I decide on the first option and spin around on my heel to rush back to the bathroom. As I'm halfway there, an arm wrapping around my waist stops me in my tracks. I feel his breath on my neck as he leans down. 

"What are you doing here, Saige?" he whispers into my ear.

"I could ask you the same thing," I whisper. His arm tightens around my waist, not liking my challenging comeback. Over confidence continues to run through my body so I open my mouth again.

"I mean, I'm just here watching my cousin at his after school swim practice with my aunt. It's a bit weird seeing you here talking to my aunt while I went to the bathroom." 

"Don't fucking test me, Saige," Rio hisses. I spin around in his grip to face him. He has the same look on his face as he did that night he made me cry from fear. 

"I get you and Beth are in this business together, but it's just a little weird that you show up here at Kenny's swim practice. What's in that bag?" I ask, glancing at the white paper bag in his left hand.

"Nothing you need to worry about," Rio answers. I scoff, rolling my eyes. 

"I'm so sick of hearing that answer from you and from Beth," I mutter. Rio opens his mouth and I know exactly what he's going to say. 

"I know you two don't want me knowing the ins of your gang business, but you do a pretty shitty job at keeping it secret when you show up at my cousin's swim practice! What, were you waiting for me to leave and when I did to go pee you took your chance to talk to Beth?" I shout. Rio's hand shoots out, gripping my jaw tightly. 

"It sounds to me that you don't want to be in a relationship with me anymore then, Saige," Rio murmurs. My face falls. That's not the reason at all for this little argument on my end. Rio lets go of my jaw so I can speak. 

"Are you saying that you don't want to be together anymore?" I whisper. Tears pool in my eyes and I let them start falling down my cheeks. Rio's hand shoots out again, this time to wipe my falling tears away with the pad of his thumb. 

"When I said that I'm yours, I meant forever, Saige. I'm sorry. You're right, I do do a pretty shit job finding times to talk to your aunt and making your mind wander," Rio gently murmurs.

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