Hunting Season

613 16 2

Following season 2 episode 11 of Good Girls. 


"What's up?" Annie smiles, leaning against the front counter. I bite the inside of my lip, feeling bad that I'm about to break Annie's heart but she needs to know who her boyfriend truly is.

"Look, I need to tell you something and it's not going to be pretty," I announce. Annie frowns.

"Did Sadie tell you something? Is she okay?" Annie asks.

"Sadie's fine. This isn't about her," I say. 

"Who's it about?" Annie asks. I sigh.

"Noah," I admit. Annie immediately becomes defensive.

"Are you and Gregg together on this? First, he tells me that he doesn't trust Noah and that he isn't a fan of Sadie being around him, then you text me with a warning and now you say you have to tell me some big secret about him? What, do you two not like me being happy?" Annie throws her arms up into the air. 

"He's not who you think he is!" I insist, trying to keep my temper at bay. Annie scoffs, giving me an "are you serious right now?" look.

"That's rich coming from you, Saige. Look at your boyfriend," she snaps. 

"I'm sure Beth told you about the search that happened at Boland Motors last week," I say, deciding to take a different route. Annie furrows her eyebrows together in confusion. She nods her head.

"Aren't you a bit curious on how all of them knew where to look for the pills and that there were pills to look for in the first place?" I continue. 

"What does this have to do with Noah?" Annie wonders, frustration still inside her.

"He's with the FBI, Annie. He works with that Turner guy. Beth blocked Rio's number after telling him she didn't want to work for him anymore and somehow he got word about the raid happening. He called me and I called Beth to warn her. I drove over there and watched it happen, and Noah snuck up behind me and told me that I had to leave. He's undercover, Anns," I explain. Annie goes through a mix of emotions in under a minute, her face showing each one. 

"You're...You' wouldn't lie about this," Annie whispers. I come around the counter and pull her into a hug. 

"I'm sorry. I know you really liked him, along with Sads," I murmur. Annie pulls away from the hug after a couple of more minutes. 

"Have you told Beth or Ruby?" Annie asks. I shake my head.

"No. The only other one that knows is Rio, but I didn't tell him. One of his men found out and he told me, not knowing I already knew," I answer. Annie nods.

"Can you not tell them? I will, but I...I just need some time to figure this whole mess out," Annie requests. I nod, promising her I won't tell another soul. 


Locking the door, I merrily wave goodbye to the lovestruck couple, Grace and Mick. As I unlock my car and step toward it, Beth's van flies into the parking lot. I watch her in worry and confusion park haphazardly next to my car and get out. 

"I need you to tell your boyfriend to leave me alone and that I won't come back and work for him!" Beth angrily hisses.

"What?" I ask, still processing what Beth said.

"Tell him I'm thankful for the tip but that doesn't mean I automatically have to start working with him again. He's been bothering me all week!" Beth exclaims.

"What's he doing?" I wonder. Beth's face pales.

"Just messing with me. Look, I blocked his number and plan to keep it that way. Please talk to him for me," Beth begs. 

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