Take Off Your Pants

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Following season 2 episode 6 of Good Girls.

Mature Content-Sexual-marked with a *.


"Do you have to search all new cars?" I wonder. Beth jumps, almost whacking her head on the truck door of a silver car. She slams the trunk closed and turns to face me, a not amused look on her face.

"What are you doing here?" she asks. I place my hand over my heart, feigning hurt.

"What, your niece can't come on her lunch break and bring her aunt a refresher from Starbucks?" I hand her the venti mango dragon fruit with lemonade refresher.

"Thanks," Beth smiles, taking a sip. I take a sip of my drink--the same as Beth's--and look around the lot.

"If you get any more cars, you're going to have to start parking them along the street," I say, lightly chuckling. Beth sighs, running a hand through her hair.

"These ten cars here are your boyfriend's. They just came in not even ten minutes ago," Beth informs. I raise my eyebrows in surprise, shocked that she's giving me a little bit of business between her and Rio.

"So...you sell these cars and he gets the profit?" I ask, wanting to see how much she'll tell me. Beth sighs again, taking another drink of her refresher.

"No. He didn't give too much away when he dropped by this morning," Beth answers. Sounds like my boyfriend. 

"I better get going. Grace will throw a fit if any more of the ice in her drink melts," I say. Beth laughs.

"Thanks again for the drink. Feel free to stop by with another," Beth smirks. 


From Sadie: Can you pick me up from school? Nancy was supposed to but morning sickness is kicking her butt.

To Sadie: Of course! Normal time? 

Sadie likes my text message, confirming that three-fifty is still the time she likes to be picked up. 

"Do you mind if I leave early today? Sadie just asked if I could pick her up from school," I say to Grace. 

"Only because you brought me back Starbucks," Grace smirks. I laugh. 

"Have you talked to Annie?" I had told Grace about the fight Annie and I had gotten in. That was five days ago, and I have not heard a word from her. I've been tempted to text her myself but I chicken out, not wanting her to pick up the fight from where we left off. I set the bouquet of a dozen red roses in our display case and turn to face my best friend, who's looking at me expectantly. 

"No," I sigh. 

"You know she was just trying to lookout for you," says Grace. I give her a, "I know that!" look as I tie together another bouquet of red roses. 

"She could have done it in another way...you know, not in an accusatory tone," I point out. 

"She doesn't know the Rio that you and I know," Grace reminds. I groan, giving her another, "I know that!" look. 

"Stop being the bearer of right news," I mutter. Grace laughs.

"You should get going if you don't want to make Sadie wait. I'll see you tomorrow." I look at the clock on the wall to see that it's two fifty-five. It's a thirty-five minute drive to Sadie's Catholic school from the shop. 

I grab my purse and bid Grace goodbye. I sing along to the radio the whole drive to the school. Turning right onto the road of the school, I pull into the parent pick-up line. I grab my phone and pull up Instagram. 

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