Egg Roll

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Following season 3 episode 3 of Good Girls.


1 Week After Saige's Birthday

"So, what's up?" I smile at her, reveling in how shocked and scared she looks. 

"You know, my boy says that Jane is like, the star forward of their soccer team. Think they'll make finals?" I ask. She continues to stare at me with wide eyes, completely frozen in her seat. 

"Oh, I almost forgot. I brought something to show you," I chuckle. I reach into my pocket and grab the three bullets that were removed.

"Lung." I set it on the bar top next to her drink. 


"Shoulder." I place the other two next to the first one. Her eyes stray down to look at them, then to the bartender who sets my drink of choice down in front of me, almost like she's silently begging him to help her. 

"To your aim," I darkly chuckle, thinking of how Saige wouldn't find it funny. When she doesn't reach for her glass, I shrug and take a sip of mine. I slide her drink glass closer to her.

"You got a lot to celebrate. You made a beautiful family and took in your niece when her shitty father and mother wanted nothing to do with her; you've helped out your community; you volunteered for your kids' school events...I'm sure they'll name a wing of their school after you." I watch the realization of what I'm saying fall on her and grab her wrist when she tries to leave.

"Don't do that, Elizabeth," I hiss. She turns her gaze onto mine, which surprises me. I thought she'd never look away from the bullets. 

"It just puts off what's eventually going to come. You know, I know that you have to wait for it and all, and honestly, that has to be the worse part," I chuckle. 

"It really doesn't matter how much you hurt took some months, but I'm healed and back to it. But, you really did a number on your niece, Elizabeth. She misses all three of you, but especially you. It hurts her emotionally everyday but she does a good job at pushing it down and accepting the fact that she probably won't have a relationship with you ever again. You know, she goes into these trances and I'm pretty sure she's thinking of you and memories from the past. All of this could've been avoided if you would have just shot that scum of an agent." I watch tears form in her eyes and she struggles to keep them at bay. 

"Even after all the shit you put my lovely Saige through, I'll still go easy on you. I'll do it myself," I smirk. I stand up, grabbing the bullets and setting them back in my coat pocket. She looks up at me, fear clearly still written all over her face.

"I'm pregnant."


"Why didn't you tell me he's alive?!" I rush out of the greenhouse to see a fuming Beth standing there and a worried looking Grace, both of them staring at me. 

"All this time he's alive and you didn't tell me!" Beth yells. 

"It wasn't my place to tell," I say. Well, Rio told me not to tell and truth-be-told, I still wouldn't have told her if he didn't care. 

"Bullshit! I was so worried at how you were handling your boyfriend's death and not being able to comfort you, to find out last weekend that he's alive!" Beth snaps.

"How'd you find out?" I ask.

"I made plans with Rhea and she must have told him. He showed up instead of her," Beth explains. 

"Kinda a sick idea, y'know, befriending her and egging on the friendship Jane and Marcus built, just to try and make your guilty conscious feel better," I spit. 

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