This Land Is Your Land

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Following season 2 episode 10 of Good Girls.



"So, you're just like, done?" I question, glancing down at Beth's vision board of fall treats.

"Mmmhmm," Beth hums, taking a sip of her coffee.

"How did Rio take it?" I wonder. 

"He wasn't too happy about it. He'll have to find another business to cover his cash," Beth answers. 

"No wonder he was crabby the rest of the night," I mutter. After a not-so-awkward family dinner, I promised Jane and Emma that I would help them get ready for bed. During this time, Beth told Rio that she was done basically being a criminal. I'm just now finding out.

"Are you doing this to try and save your marriage?" I ask. Beth quickly shakes her head side-to-side.

"No, no. I mean, that argument with Dean did help me finally see things in perspective. I've either missed out or been late to the kids' events in the last couple of months. For Christ sake, Saige, I took my four children all under thirteen to a sketchy neighborhood crack house! I just want my life to be the way it was last September. You know I love planning vision boards for treats and helping out with any school event. That's me," Beth says. 

"Well, if you need any help with the party, let me know," I smile. 

"Hey, before you get going back to work, do you wanna join my book club?" Beth smiles. I give her an incredulous look. Beth laughs.

"Not that book club! I'm serious when I said that that part of me and my life is done and over. I re-joined my actual book club at the local library," Beth informs. 

"I'll think about it, but I'll let Grace know when I get back that you're back in it." I'm not a huge reader, but Beth and Grace are. Back in January is when Beth stopped going to the library every other Sunday evening and in Grace's words, "I'm not going if Beth isn't going anymore. She's the only person I liked there." 

Unlocking the store's door, I beat Grace back from our lunch break. Setting my things down behind the counter, I check to see if we got any messages while we were gone. None. I organize this afternoon's ticket into the order I want to work on them. 

Hearing the bell above the door ding, I look up, expecting to see Grace entering. I'm a little surprised to see Annie. She gives me a somewhat nervous smile, leaning her elbows against the counter.

"What brings you here?" I wonder. 

"Um...I have a favor to ask of you," Annie informs. I raise an eyebrow at her. 

"The last time you were this nervous to ask me for a favor, I drove you to the park and Beth about chopped your head off," I deadpan. 

"Yeah, yeah. Listen...can you give me Rio's phone number?" Annie quickly asks, her words rushing together. 

"Why do you want my boyfriend's number?" I ask. Annie sighs.

"Ruby and I want to continue working with him. I can only pick up so many shifts at the store and it isn't fair to make Ruby get a job while she's dealing with the Stan drama. You cannot tell Beth about this," Annie explains. 

"You think she'll be mad?" I truly wonder. I could see it going either way, but on one hand, it's not fair for Ruby and Annie to struggle financially just because she doesn't want involved anymore. 

"I don't want to find out. Will you give me his number?" Annie asks again. I hold my hand out and Annie hands me her phone after unlocking it. Having his number memorized, I type it in and hand Annie her phone back. 

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