Vegas, Baby

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Following season 3 episode 7 of Good Girls. 

Mature Content, marked with a *. 


"I guess he's more of a creep than you thought," I say, shrugging my shoulders as I focus on cutting a bouquet of roses stems. I've been telling Grace what happened at my apartment Friday night, and she's always had a weird feeling about Max. He was always so clingy to Lucy, wanting to drive her and pick her up from work; go grocery shopping with her; hell, even going with her to buy tampons. It makes sense why Lucy never wanted to bring him around to hangouts. 

"I have a knack at knowing when men are shit." Grace gives me a pointed look, and I roll my eyes at her, silently knowing who she's talking about. 

"Did Rio talk to him?" Grace asks. I nod. 

"Yeah, him and Mick found him at a gas station and cornered him at the pumps," I answer. 

"Must have some guts to not take their hint," Grace murmurs, crossing off orders we've finished. Since blocking Max on everything, he's taken the initiative to create fake numbers and social media accounts to try and get ahold of her. 

"Maybe we help her take care of it once and for all," I suggest, raising an eyebrow at Grace. Her blue eyes widen, fear starting to show in them. 

"Not that idea! She doesn't want him dead," I say. 

"How will we get him to confess?" Grace asks. I smirk.

"We are pretty convincing people, Grace."



"They make a pretty mean Arnold Palmer," Ruby offers.

"It's on me," I add, sliding a menu toward him. He angrily swipes it away, anger still present on his face.

"Not hungry," he grits out.

"What's in the bag, Max?" Annie questions in a weary voice. He doesn't answer, and he doesn't take his glare off me.

"I'm sure you have a bunch of questions," I start, trying to initiate a conversation. We've been sitting in this diner for almost thirty minutes with no such luck. 

"Just one...what did you say to my girl to get her to leave me?" Max asks, his tone hard. It looks like he's trying to fight back tears. Annie and Ruby glance at me, confusion radiating off of them. 

"They don't know, huh? All I know is that once you started at the Paper Porcupine, Lucy started acting different. Claiming that she needed more space, started working nights more...then, all of a sudden, she quits the shop to take some position at a community college and tattoo shop! That's not Lucy! Lucy loved working in her grandma's shop!" Max exclaims, a few stray angry tears sliding down his face. 

"It wasn't me that convinced her to do all that," I state, wiping the sweat off my palms on my blue jeans. Annie kicks my shoe, giving me an, are you serious?! look. I'm not tacking this on my niece. 

"It was Rio, a local gang leader. He found out that Lucy made counterfeit money for us once and convinced her to make more. She worked with him the night before she broke up with you and quit the paper store," I inform. I'm tacking this on her boyfriend.

"So...what do we do about him?" Max asks in a lowered voice. I smile to myself on the inside, glad that my plan is working; get Max on our side and get him to hate Rio.

"Well, that's the tricky part. We can't go to the cops--"

"I don't want to go to the cops," Max interrupts, quickly shaking his head side-to-side. I know that Annie has a judgmental look on her face right now. 

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