One Last Time

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Following season 2 episode 9 of Good Girls. 

Mature Content, marked with a *.


"Stan's been arrested!" Ruby bursts back into my living room. I didn't tell Rio why my aunts were actually coming over all of a sudden last night, just that they wanted to surprise me and spend time with me. Rio didn't question it, just kissed me goodbye and told me he'd see me later. Beth and I had slept in my bedroom, while Ruby took my couch and Annie slept on an air mattress in the living room.

"What? Why?" I ask, shooting my biological aunts looks. Neither look too surprised. 

"That Turner guy convinced me that if I ratted Beth out, my family would be spared. I almost did it but then realized how shitty of a friend I was truly being. Rio gave Beth a chance to deal with the two kids who stole her money and tried breaking into your apartment and I needed Turner to think I was still on his side, so, the two of us came up with a plan that would solve both of our problems. The two high school kids were arrested last night, and now Turner is going after Stan because he stole the pen cap that had Beth's DNA on it from the robbery almost a year ago," Ruby rattles off. I stare at the three of them in surprise.

"His bail is set at thirty-five thousand dollars. I...I need to go get money!" Before any of us can say anything, Ruby hastily grabs her purse and Beth's car keys and is out of my apartment.

"Should we go after her?" Annie questions. Beth shakes her head.

"No, not right now. In the state that she's in, she wouldn't listen to anybody. Can you give me a ride home, Saige?" Beth asks.

"Yeah, me too!" Annie smiles. I focus my gaze on Beth.

"Are you sure you want to go home? I don't mind you staying here," I check. Beth shakes her head.

"I'll be fine. I just...I just need to be there," Beth says. I sigh but nod, standing up from the couch and grabbing my purse and car keys. Locking the door, Beth and Annie follow me down to the parking lot outside. 

Annie's apartment is only ten blocks away from mine. If I really wanted to, I could have made her walk. Once Annie is inside the complex, I back out of the parking space and pull back onto the road. I can tell that Beth wants to ask me something, and once I come to a stop behind a truck at a stop sign, I turn to look at her.

"I'm asking you a big favor," she starts, which I feel like is a key saying that she's going to ask me to get involved.

"Stan is sitting in jail right now because I'm not in jail. I need you to ask Rio if he can get me more cars so I can help Ruby with the bail money," Beth finishes. At the thought of getting involved, I'm instantly reminded of my still red and sore butt. After being on bad terms with Rio for three days, I don't need to ruin the good and go back to bad. But, Ruby and Stan are another aunt and uncle figure to me, and I can't imagine what's going on in Sarah and Harry's heads. I sigh, turning my view back onto the road as the cars ahead of me start moving.

"I'll ask him. I'll get ahold of him after I drop you off," I say.

After dropping Beth off, I stay parked in the driveway and shoot Rio a text, asking to meet with him. He responds within minutes, sending me an address. Putting the address in my GPS, I see that the place is a bar that's only three blocks away from Rio's apartment. 

My nerves are through the roof as I drive to the bar. I know after our talk last night that Rio is understanding that I'll always help my family, but understandably so, he becomes very short and clipped whenever I bring up his business. 

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