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Following season 1 episode 10 of Good Girls.

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I slam my car door shut and stomp like an angry toddler towards the front door. Beth, Ruby, and Annie have been ignoring me again, so I know something is up. I twist the knob on the front door to find that it's locked. Since when does Beth now lock her door during the day? I take the spare key that Beth and Dean had given me and unlock the front door.

"You know, it's really not nice to ignore your niece, especially  when her birthday is tomorrow!" I shout. Coming into view of the kitchen, I watch Annie throw a long piece of paper into the empty sink. All three of them stare at me with wide eyes. 

"What the hell is going on?" I demand. 

"We've just been busy," Beth answers. Her voice is high pitch and her eyes dart to the paper Annie threw into the sink.

"Busy enough to ignore your own niece?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"It's business," Beth states. I wonder what type of job Rio has them doing that it's all they're focusing on.

"Are you too busy to take your niece out for breakfast tomorrow?" I question, raising an eyebrow. Ever since I was little, Beth would take me out for a birthday breakfast at iHop. Beth smiles.

"Of course I won't be. I'll pick you up at your place around eight?" Beth says. I nod. Grace and I have a rule that if our birthdays fall on a weekday, we don't have to go into work. 

"I have your birthday present in my car if you want it now," Ruby says. 

"Of course I want it now!" I beam. Ruby stands up and Annie follows behind her. Beth walks out of the kitchen, I'm guessing she wants to give me my present now, too. 

My eyes dart back to the kitchen sink. I look around quickly to make sure none of my aunts are on their way back to the kitchen before quickly making my way to the sink. It looks like an outline of some store. I flip the paper over and there's nothing on the back to give me any clues on to what store this is. Are they robbing another store? Why would Rio assign them a job to rob a store after he just got out of the wrath of the FBI?

I hear Beth's footsteps getting closer and I quickly make my way back to where I was standing. Beth looks at me, holding a small box wrapped in plain red wrapping paper. I pray that my face is remaining neutral and she doesn't pinpoint that I looked at the paper in the sink and am wondering what the hell they are going to do. 

Our heads turn to the front door opening and Ruby and Annie walking over to us with big smiles on their faces. Annie shoves a hot pink gift bag into my hands.

"Open mine and Sadie's first!" she demands, the smile remaining on her face. I reach into the bag and pull out an envelope. I carefully open it and pull out a Bath & Body Works gift card for one hundred dollars. 

"Aww, thanks, Annie!" I walk over and give her a hug. Ruby hands me her gift wrapped in white wrapping paper with different colored balloons all over it. I rip the wrapping paper off. It's a black planner style book. I look at Ruby, my face full with confusion. 

"Open it," she says. I do, and the front page reads, 22 Reasons We Love Saige Elizabeth Marks! I flip to the next page. Ruby's name is written on top and there's a picture of her and I from my high school graduation. I read what she wrote:

One reason I love Saige is of her hard working demeanor and her determination. She worked her butt off all through her four years of high school to be valedictorian of her graduating class. She was determined to open up a flower shop with her best friend, Grace, a year after graduating and she made that happen. 

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