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Following season 1 episode 8 of Good Girls.

Mature Content in this Chapter. Will be marked with *.

February 2019:


"Your aunt is coming," Rio informs. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion at him. It's Saturday, and Rio has taken me out for breakfast.

"Which one?" I ask. 

"Elizabeth," Rio answers. 

"Why?" I ask. 

"I stole her money," Rio states, a smirk forming on his lips. 

"Why'd you steal her money? Did she do something?" I ask. Ever since the incident that happened at the end of December, everything business wise between my aunts and Rio has been going fine...from what they've told me. 

"One of my men got caught by the Feds. When this happens, I caught business for some time before starting it back up," Rio explains. The bell above the door chimes, and I turn around in my seat to see Beth. She looks surprised to see me here with Rio. She slowly walks over and takes a seat next to me. 

Even though I already know what Rio's going to tell her, I excuse myself from the table. I understand why Rio's doing what he's doing, but I still feel bad for my aunts. This was their main source of income. Annie wasn't picking up as much shifts at Fine & Frugal and having to deal with her creepy, shitty manager who staged her drug bust; Beth didn't have to rely on Dean's credit cards; and Ruby was able to tell Stan about what happened at the diner and how she got hooked up with this "company." 

I head to the front counter and order myself another iced blonde vanilla latte. As it's being made, I look over at Beth and Rio. Rio looks calm and casual, while Beth looks between a mix of angry and upset. She stands up, pushing the wooden chair back with her calves. She waves goodbye to me before leaving through the door. 

"Here you go, ma'am." I thank the barista and head back to the table. 

"She wasn't too happy," Rio says.

"I'm sure you wouldn't be, either, if someone broke into your house to steal your money, and then tell you that they're basically out of a job for who knows how long," I point out.

"You ready to go?" Rio asks. I can tell what I said made him a little upset, and if we continue to sit here, he'll say something that'll make me more mad or get upset.

I nod, standing up from the table. Rio throws a twenty dollar bill down onto the table. He places his hand on the small of my back and leads me outside. 

"I'll see you later." Rio leans down and pecks my lips. Okay, he must not be too upset with me. I walk over to my own car and get inside. 

Saige: Heading over to your place now!

Grace: Finally! ;) 

Later that Evening--8:00 PM

Valentine's Day is on a Sunday this year. For the past five years, Grace, Gia, Brooke (Gia's girlfriend,) and myself would hang out for Valentine's Day. Since Grace and I are now at the legal drinking age, we've decided to go out to a local bar for this Saturday night. I had invited my aunts after asking if Gia and Brooke would mind and they said they wouldn't. All three had declined my invitation; Beth couldn't find a babysitter so she says, I'm sure she just didn't want to come out; Annie is working a graveyard shift at the grocery store; and Ruby just straight up said she didn't want to come, and I respect her honesty for that. 

"Girl, you have to send your man a picture of you in that dress!" Gia exclaims. Grace was more than happy to spill to her older sister that I had a new boyfriend. 

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