Frere Jacques

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Following season 3 episode 6 of Good Girls. 


"You know, I feel free," Lucy smiles. After the incident of her grandma's shop, Lucy applied for the teaching assistant position at the community college and at a tattoo parlor on Main Street. She got offered both jobs and was able to work at a schedule to where she can work both: Monday through Friday from 7:45 to 3:45, she'll be at the school, and every other weekend from 12:00-9:00, she'll be at the tattoo parlor. 

"Max won't leave me alone, though," Lucy scoffs, rolling her brown eyes. Something that took me for surprise is the next day after the incident, after telling her grandma she wouldn't be working at the Paper Porcupine anymore, she broke up with Max. They had dated for just over eight years, being high school sweethearts. According to Lucy, she had started loosing feelings for Max around Valentine's Day but didn't know how to bring it up. He started becoming more and more needy, to where she felt like she couldn't take a breath on her own. Since the break-up, Max has been blowing up her phone non-stop, from calls, voicemails, text messages, Snapchat, you name it. Grace and I urged Lucy to block him on everything, but she claims that she likes knowing that he's suffering. Everyone takes break-ups differently, I guess. 

"Does Beth still think I'm dead?" Lucy wonders. For a week after that night, my phone blew up with texts, voicemails, and calls from Beth, Ruby, and Annie, asking if I knew anything about what happened to Lucy. Late one night, around two AM, I got a nasty voicemail from Beth, claiming that I was a terrible person for staying with a man who wants to kill her aunt and who killed one of her close friends. 

"I'm assuming," I say, taking a sip of my coffee. 

"I'm sure one of them will see me out and about eventually and have a stroke," Lucy chuckles, setting her coffee mug in the sink. Lucy was living in a house that Max was renting, and one night when he was working late, Grace, Rio, and I helped her move all of her belongings out and into my apartment. She stayed with me for a couple of days until she was able to move into an available unit in my building, which happens to be just three doors down from me. At least two days out of the week, we have breakfast together before we head to our jobs. 

"Since it's Friday, do you wanna Door Dash something for supper? I can send Grace a text," Lucy offers. 

"She has some family in town; family reunion on Saturday. Rhea is coming over, but I'm sure she won't mind if you join," I say. I set my mug into the sink and slip on a pair of white Vans. 

"Who's Rhea?" Lucy asks, slipping a black bomber jacket on. 

"A friend. Rio's ex," I answer. Lucy gives me the same incredulous look that Grace did when I told her, which makes me laugh. 

"Everything is cool between us. Always has been," I assure. 

"If you're sure she won't mind, then sure, I'd love to join!" Lucy smiles. 

"She won't. I'll send you a text when I'm leaving."


That Evening, 6:00 PM

To Lucy: Just closed up the shop and am heading home!

By the time I'm at the second stoplight, I'm surprised that I haven't received a text back from Lucy. Normally, it takes her no more than five minutes to respond. 

Not dwelling on it, I hum along to the radio as I drive to Applebee's. Over lunch, the three of us had agreed on doing appetizers from there, and since I was the one to get off work the latest, I was volunteered to pick up the food. 

Turning into the Applebee's parking lot and pulling into one of the delivery spaces, I confirm on the app that I'm here and type in the color of my car. I only wait a little over five minutes before an employee comes out with the food. Thanking her, I set the bag in the passenger seat and pull back onto the road. 

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