Thelma and Louise

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Following season 2 episode 8 of Good Girls. 

Thought Rio looked FINE in this scene, so I searched for a picture of this scene to use it. 

Mature Content, marked with a *.


"So, like, did you walk in on it?" 

"What? Walk in on what?" I ask, flabbergasted by this point. 

"The dude you want us know, him, did you walk in on him boning your daughter?" I quickly shake my head back and forth, not wanting to picture my niece having sex with anyone.

"No, no! And she's my niece, not my daughter," I answer. The two idiots start whispering to each other and laughing, making me wonder where Kenny's Krav Maga teacher's friend would ever recommend them. 

"Listen, can you kill him or not?!" I hiss. The two instantly stop laughing and look around, making sure no one in this small cafe heard what I said.

"Chill! Listen, you gotta be cool about all this." I sigh, clenching my hands together in front of me.

"Okay, okay. I'm cool, I'm cool," I say, releasing a couple of deep breaths.

"What's homeboy look like?" Now they're getting serious. I quickly reach for my phone in my back pocket and unlock it, pulling up a picture of him I screenshotted from his Facebook account. The two both sharply inhale, look at each other, then back at me.

"Fifty percent down, the rest after we ghost him." I nod, setting my phone on the table.

"Deal. I'll pay whatever it takes," I agree. Saige is going to hate me even more if she ever finds out I'm the one that orchestrated her boyfriend's hit. Maybe she won't ever find out, I mean, she still doesn't know that it was Beth, Ruby, and Annie that sent Rio to jail a couple months ago...



Later that Night;

Unlocking and opening the front door, I'm greeted to darkness. The kids are with Dean's mom for the long weekend, and who knows where or what Dean is doing. Setting my keys and purse down, I hear rustling noises and muffled grunting noises. 

"He better not have broken into my house again," I angrily mutter to myself. I slowly turn the corner into the living room, my eyes widening when I see Dean laying on the floor, his hands and feet duct taped together and a pair of my underwear shoved into his mouth and tied around the back of his head.

"Oh, my God, are you--" The back door being wide opened makes me pause.

"No, no, no!" I exclaim, sprinting to the backyard. My fear comes true seeing at least ten holes dug around the yard. 

"Son of a bitch!" I shout. Hearing Dean's continued muffled grunts, I turn around and walk back inside. I grab a pair of scissors from the junk drawer and squat down, cutting the tape off his wrists and ankles. I untie the knot and Dean spits the clothing out of his mouth. 

"They said that they're going to go check out Saige's apartment," informs Dean, sitting up and wiping the drool away. I shoot to my feet and rush to my purse, grabbing my phone and calling the one person I know who can protect her best.


"Wine will wash your stress away," Grace says as I park my car. I haven't heard a peep from Rio since he left my apartment two nights ago. I invited Grace over for a wine, pizza, and movie night to take my minds away from thoughts about it. 

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