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Following season 2 episode 12 of Good Girls. 


"What the fuck, Beth?!" I shriek. How fast Beth turns around, I'm surprised if she doesn't have whiplash. Her face matches mine quickly. 

"Get inside, Saige. Lets go," Beth orders. She grabs my wrist and I quickly jerk it back, taking a couple of steps back from her.

"How could you...when did you..." I trail off, not being able to fully ask the questions that are brewing in my head. Beth takes a step towards me, making me take another step back.

"Saige, it's not what it looks like. I need you to get inside so I can explain it to you," Beth says calmly. 

"Explain it? What's in that hole explains it pretty well for me, Elizabeth!" I hiss. 

The front door opening makes Beth quickly kick dirt back into the hole, covering the dead body. Kenny, Danny, Emma, and Jane rush over to us, backpacks on their backs and lunch boxes in the hands. 

"The bus will be here any minute. Bye Mom, bye Saige!" Kenny and Danny wave goodbye and dart onto the sidewalk, and Jane and Emma give us both hugs before following behind their older brothers. 

I jump when I feel a hand grip my wrist and start dragging me behind them. I don't put up a fight as I follow behind Beth inside her house and to the living room. I sit down and Beth crouches down in front of me, placing both of her hands on my knees. 

"I need you to listen to me. Fully listen, no interruptions," Beth says. I don't say anything and Beth takes that as her cue to continue.

"I did not kill anybody. Neither did Annie or Ruby." I scoff, breaking Beth's one rule and opening my mouth.

"Then why is there a dead body buried in your yard?"

"Because..." Beth sighs, trying to think of what to say. "Because of a work thing." My eyes practically bulge out of my head.

"Rio killed somebody and buried them in your yard?" There's a small part of me that's questioning why I'm so surprised. Being with Rio for almost a year, it's become harder for me to remember that there's another version of him that I don't know too well. Would it be such a surprise for him to kill somebody?

"No! No! Rio really has nothing to do," Beth answers.

"Then how did a dead body end up buried in your backyard, Elizabeth? There's no way that some random person murdered someone and decided that your front yard was the perfect burial spot!" I yell. Beth sighs again and is quiet for a couple of minutes, contemplating on what to say next. 

"Do you remember Boomer?" Beth asks. Some confusion breaks through the anger inside of me. My eyes widen again as another realization comes to mind. 

"Are you trying to tell me that Annie killed her boss and you and Ruby helped bury him in your front yard?" 

"No, no. He ended up marrying this girl named Mary Pat, who was one of our secret shoppers. Boomer started an alliance with Jimmy--Agent Turner--to try and get Annie arrested. Well, along with that, she had figured out that the secret shoppers was for crime and started extorting us for money. She decided to leave Boomer one morning and in the process, ran him over and stuffed him in the deep freeze. To erase any forms of this getting traced back to us, we tossed the body into a random dumpster, but it ended up getting tracked to a landfill. 

Rio helped us get the body out of the landfill and decided to keep it to hold over us. After I quit, Annie and Ruby decided to take another job from him, but they didn't complete it, so...Rio started threatening to go to the police about Boomer's body until we agreed to start working for him again and pay him back the money he lost. Annie found out through one of her co-workers that the grocery store allows hunters to store their meat there and got the idea that he might be hiding the body there. So, to not be able to threaten us anymore, we took the body from the freezer and buried it in the yard," Beth explains. I stare at Beth in shock and silence. 

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