You Have Reached the Voicemail of Leslie Peterson

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Following season 2 episode 3 of Good Girls.


"Saige, the school is calling you!" I hear Grace yell from up front. I set down the bouquet I'm working on and jog up to the front of the store. I grab my phone from the front desk and answer it.


"Is this Saige Marks, Kenny Boland's cousin?" I hear a male on the other end ask.

"Yes, this is her," I answer. 

"This is Principal Clark. I'm sorry to bother you, but I couldn't get ahold of either of Kenny's parents and you're the first person listed on his emergency contact form," Principal Clark informs. He couldn't get ahold of Dean or Beth? Dean, I'm not too surprised about, but Beth does surprise me. I glance at the clock hanging up on the wall to see that it's only ten AM. Why wouldn't she be answering her phone?

"Is Kenny all right?" I ask. 

"Yes, he's not injured. I have him here in my office for a discipline issue and need an adult to come pick him up," says Principal Clark. 

"Oh, um, okay. I can get heading to the school now. I'll be there in about twenty minutes." I hang up the phone and look at Grace, who's waiting for me to spill.

"Kenny got in trouble at school and needs an adult to come pick him up. His lovely parents aren't answering their phones," I explain. Grace's eyes widen.

"No worries at all. You get going." Grace gives me a smile. I grab my purse and head out the door to the car. As I'm backing up and merging onto the road, I dial Beth's number.

"Hello?" she answers in a whisper.

"Now you can answer your phone?" I snap. 

"What are you talking about?" Beth asks.

"Do you not see the missed calls from Kenny's school? His principal tried calling both you and Dean and neither of you answered. So, as Kenny's emergency contact, I got called and actually answered my phone. I'm on the way to his school to meet with his principal and pick him up; he got in trouble," I inform in an irritated tone.

"Trouble? What'd he do?!" Beth asks with concern in her tone. I sigh.

"I don't know, his principal didn't say," I answer.

"I'm leaving now. I'll meet you at the school and take Kenny home." she hangs up before I can ask where she's at.

Beth and I end up arriving at Kenny's school just a minute apart from each other. The school secretary leads us into Principal Clark's office, where a not-so-worried Kenny is sitting. 

"I'm so sorry I missed your calls, Principal Clark. What's going on?" Beth asks.

"Kenny snuck into the teacher's lounge," says Principal Clark. I glance at my cousin, who doesn't meet my glance. 

"Okay...well, that's not the biggest crime in the world," Beth chuckles.

"He also ate someone's retirement party cake," Principal Clark says.

"Yeah, all right, he ate someone's retirement cake. You're sending him home over that?" Beth asks. 

"Mrs. Boland, per the school handbook, breaking into a room that is locked and staff members are the only ones who have a key is considered a major. The consequence is for Kenny to be sent home for a one day out-of-school suspension," Principal Clark explains. I glance over at Beth, who is now realizing the situation Kenny put himself in. 

"Look, from my years working in a school, behaviors like this are usually a cry for help. Kenny said that you guys almost divorced and that both of you are very busy at work." 

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