The Dubby

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Following Season 2 Episode 7 of Good Girls

Sorry that the photo is so small. I liked this picture and wanted to use it, but the bigger version wouldn't let me save it to my computer. 



"Look, I'm just trying to get to my daughter's dance recital." I turn around and give my "partner" a glare. 

"What's fifty-fifty mean to you?" Rio asks, not taking his eyes off the cup of coffee he's making.

"Look, if you're worried about the car, I'm going to do the drop off in the morning," I assure.

"Fifty-fifty means that I can finally stop tracking you down. Look, our customer, he wants the drop done by tonight," says Rio.

"Well, I'm trying to be with my family. Why don't you do it?!" I snap. 

"Sure," Rio smiles. I turn to walk towards the community center doors, glad to be done with this conversation.

"I'll just take the full one-hundred percent then." I turn around on my heel and walk back to the refreshment table.

"You can take all of the personal days that you want and I'll do your job for you, but that means I get the full share," Rio smirks. I sigh.

"I'll drop the car off tonight." Rio nods, taking a sip of coffee and turning towards the doors.

"Oh, and Saige doesn't know I was here!" Rio calls. I give him a thumbs up, surprised that he would even think I would tell her.


"Great job, Janie!" I smile, grabbing the seven year old and twirling her around. 

"You did great, Jane. I could never dance like that," Grace compliments. 

"Mommy, you missed it!" I turn to see a regretful looking Beth walking towards us. She rubs Jane's cheek with her thumb, giving her a smile.

"I bet you did great," Beth murmurs. 

"I have to get going, I have book club to get to." Dean shoves the bouquet of flowers he bought Jane into Beth's hands and storms down the aisle. Grace gives me a look and I shake my head, there is no way Uncle Dean is truly involved with any of Rio's work. 

"Do you want me to talk to Rio? You haven't missed any of our events," I offer. Beth braced my state track meet my senior year of high school with the stomach flu. 

"No, it's fine. A drop off just took longer than usual," says Beth. Drop off? 

"Well, I'll see you guys later. Love you," I give Beth a smile and wave at my cousins sitting in the van. I make my way to Grace's car and climb into the passenger seat.


I settle into my bed, settling my laptop on my lap. My phone starts ringing and I grab it off my side table. Worry and some confusion courses through me as I see Beth's name on the screen. 

"Hello?" I answer. 

"I need you to do a big favor for me." Beth's voice is frantic. 

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I ask. 

"I'm going to text you an address and I need you to meet me there," says Beth. 

"Where are you at?" I ask. 

"It'll all make sense once you're here," says Beth, then hangs up.

I jump out of bed and rush down the hallway. I slip on a pair of black flip flops and snatch my keys off the island. I take the stairs down to the lobby and rush out the doors. Unlocking and getting into my car, I put the address into Google Maps that Beth sent me. It's only a little under fifteen minutes away from my apartment complex in a not so good neighborhood. 

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