I'd Rather Be Crafting

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Following season 2 episode 1 of Good Girls. 

May 2019


"So, he's not getting charged with anything?" Grace asks for the umpteenth time. After I had dropped Rio off at his apartment, I had finally called Grace back. She met me at my apartment and I dropped everything on her; how Rio's a gang leader and that I knew he was a gang leader, along with how the two of us actually met. I had asked Rio if it was okay if I spill the beans to her and showed him all the missed calls and unread text messages from her. He said yes, claiming that she could be trusted. 

"No, he's not," I say. I rinse the dish soap off the plate and set it in the drying rack. 

"How?!" Grace gasps out of astonishment. I didn't know the answer to that one, either, and I knew that Rio didn't plan to tell me anytime soon. I had tried to ask him once on the car ride to his place, but the way his body tensed up and his face hardened made me zip my mouth shut.

I don't answer her question, opting to grab the last plate in the sink and wash it. As if my life couldn't get more crazier, three days after Rio had been arrested and released, Dean was back in the hospital. I had gotten a call from Beth around eight PM saying that she had just gotten off the phone with a police officer and that Dean had been mugged and shot. Instead of asking me to meet her at the hospital, she asked me if I could go to her house and watch the kids. This leads to the next day, with Grace and I cleaning up around the house while my cousins are at school. 

"Dean can't catch a break," Grace says. 

"No kidding," I mutter. I had talked on the phone with Annie, who's with Beth at the hospital, along with Ruby, about an hour ago for an update. She told me that the cops who showed up on the scene say that a bystander sitting outside on his front porch saw Dean walking across the street on the sidewalk, when all of a sudden a person in all black clothing wearing a black ski mask jumped out from behind a bush. A struggle ensued with Dean trying to fight back and get away, when the mugger grabbed a gun from his back pocket and shot Dean before running off. At the moment, he's undergoing his second surgery and his doctor can't say for certain if he's going to make it or not. 

"How are you doing?" I turn around to lean against the counter so I'm facing Grace. There's a look of slight concern on her face.

"I'm worried that the next time my phone rings, it's going to be one of my aunts saying that Dean didn't make it. I don't want to have to be standing next to Beth as she tells the kids that Daddy didn't make it. I mean, yeah, Dean isn't the greatest guy out there, but he's still an amazing dad and doesn't deserve to die from some asshole who decided to shoot him because Dean wouldn't give him his wallet!" By the end, tears are streaming down my face. I'd been holding in these tears for the past twelve hours because those four kids are looking at me for comfort and reassurance. Grace wraps me in a hug. I lean against her until my tears stop.

"Why don't you get out of here for a bit? I can take on the kids by myself," Grace suggests. 

"Are you sure?" I ask. Grace nods, giving me a smile. 

"I mean, I'm pretty sure they like me better than you," she smirks. I let out a laugh, lightly whacking her arm with a white dish towel. I hang it back over the handle of the oven and grab my purse and phone.

"Thanks, Grace." I give her a grateful smile. 

I head out the front door and climb into my car. I check my phone to see if there's any updates from any of my aunts and there's not. Sighing, I start the engine and back out of the driveway. 

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