Pick Your Poison

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Following Season 2 Episode 4 of Good Girls.

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Author's Note: I know in this episode, Beth is shown making the kids' school lunches and Dean talks about it almost being October and Halloween, but for this story and my timeline, I am skipping ahead from May to July. 

ALSO: I know that for most of the pictures, it's a picture from the actual episode of the show. But, most photos that popped up were of Beth and Rio's bathroom scene, which would totally be weird to put in that picture since Saige is Rio's love interest in this story. I tried uploading a picture of Rio at the end of this episode (that part will be in the next chapter because I wanted this chapter to focus on Rio's birthday.) So, I decided to do a picture of a nightclub, so imagine this as the club the four went to for his birthday. 



"Ugh, it's so hot out!" Grace whines as she enters the store. I chuckle as I count the money in the register. 

"I seriously thought about showing up to work in a bikini today," Grace says. I roll my eyes.

"That would sure attract us some customers," I joke. 

The bell above the door jingles, making Grace and I both look up. Beth stands there in a light pink dress.

"Hey, Beth. What's up?" Grace greets her.

"Well, I need some flower bouquets to put around the dealership to spruce it up," says Beth. 

"Any particular flowers in mind? Or, you can look at the display," I offer. Beth walks over to the display of flowers.

"Did Dean ask you to get flowers or was it your idea?" I ask. 

"Mine. I'm starting to work there today," Beth answers. Grace and I glance at each other in surprise. 

"What made you want to start working there?" I ask. Beth grabs a bouquet of red roses, a bouquet of yellow sunflowers, and a bouquet of purple asters. 

"Well, Dean sucks with money and made a bad investment again. So, I am helping out now so the dealership can actually gain money. Can I get three more bouquets of each of these flowers if it's no trouble?" Beth answers. Grace and I glance at each other again before Grace responds.

"Of course! Give us ten minutes." Beth nods and I head to the back with my best friend. 

"Did you know their finances were bad again?" Grace murmurs as she starts grabbing red roses.

"Had no idea," I answer, grabbing purple asters.

"She seems so calm about it, though," says Grace. She grabs twine to tie the roses together. I think back to last October and when Beth destroyed his office with a sledgehammer. 

Grace and I head back up to the front holding the bouquets of flowers Beth asked for. Grace starts ringing her up. 

"That'll be fifty-eight dollars and seventy-five cents." Beth hands Grace three twenty dollar bills and Grace hands her her change.

"Thank you, ladies," Beth smiles.

"Good luck!" I call as she steps outside.



"We are closing up early today," Grace states. I tilt my head at her as I slowly chew the grape I just popped in my mouth. 

"What do you mean?" I ask. Grace dramatically scoffs.

"It means we are off work now!" she exclaims, flailing her arms into the air. 

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