The Eye in Survivor

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Following season 3 episode 4 of Good Girls. 

Mature Content-Sexual-marked with a *.



"Do you think Saige knows about him sending one of his gang buddies to stalk you?" Annie wonders.

"He doesn't tell her about his job," I grit out in annoyance. 

"Was he here this morning when she picked the kiddos up for school?" Ruby asks. 

"No. He must've somehow found out she was going to take them. He showed up not even five minutes after she pulled out of the driveway," I grumble. 

"Maybe Ruby or I can talk to her," Annie offers. I sit up on the couch, making sure the dark blue knitted blanket stays wrapped around my shoulders. 

"You're not going to talk to Saige, Annie Marie. She's chosen her side," I snap, my voice getting quieter with the second sentence. 

"You can't continue to live like this, Beth! You've been cooped up in the house for the past week! You're living in fear and it's not good for you! If I can get Saige to--"

"You're not going to talk to her!" I yell. 


"You know, it's okay to be glad and upset at the same time," I point out. It's been a week since Grace's pregnancy check at the OB/GYN. The blood and pee test both came back negative. She had a talk with Mick, explaining everything. She said that her and Mick agreed that now wasn't the best time to start a family, but that they both do want kids sometime in the future. 

"I know. It's just...gah, the whole drive to that appointment I was imagining what the baby could look like, names we could choose. I just got myself way too excited, it's my fault," says Grace. I always say that Grace was meant to be a mom. Since I met her ten years ago, she's always talked about wanting kids. When we had to take the fake baby home our freshman year, she was ecstatic when it was her turn. 

"Your time will come when it's right," I smile. Grace snorts, rolling her eyes. 

"That was the cheesiest thing you could've said!" she laughs. 

Finishing up our lunch, we decide to split the bill and tip. Walking outside into the April spring air is refreshing. Getting into Grace's car, she pulls out of Applebee's parking lot and onto the road. 

"We could get pregnant at the same time." Keeping my eyes on the ambulance with its lights and sirens on, I know Grace well enough as my best friend to know she winked at me. 

"That would be the most cliche thing ever. First, it was two best friends getting together with two best friends, now the two girl best friends conceive around the same time?" I chuckle.

"We can talk about it more in the future," Grace smirks. 


After getting my car from Grace and Gia's house, I make my way to Danny, Emma, and Jane's elementary school. Their dismissal is at 3:20, and Kenny's middle school--which is only four blocks away--dismisses at 3:30.

"Uber?" I smirk, making the three kids laugh as the climb into the back seat. 

"How much is the charge to drive home?" Danny jokes. 

"Don't worry about money. We'll leave the payment for the older brother," I laugh. 

After a five minute wait to get out of the pick-up line, I drive the four blocks down the road and pull into the middle school pick-up line. Kenny is quick to spot my car and jog down the sidewalk towards us. 

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