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Middle-aged woman Kim Mi-sook enters, bright, fresh, full of energy.

Good morning, Miss Choi Hye-ryung. I'm Kim Mi-sook. I'll be your new personal maid.

(polite, accustomed to servants not wanting conversation)

Your previous maid is fine. She's only been moved to other duties, as have a few of the other women who sometimes serve you. I've been working in the kitchen for years now so this will be rather new and different for me. I hope you will be patient with me.

(baffled by friendliness)
Yes, of course. Thank you.
Why has there been a change?

Master insists that the servants improve their disposition towards you. And he thought that a change of faces might speed up the process and do you some good. Between you and me, I am glad to be here. I was starting to get quite bored in the kitchen. If you tell me what your previous maid did, that would be very helpful.

Well, she helped me dress at times and did my hair. She brought me meals when I asked for them. She took care of my clothes and cleaning the room.

Is that all?

MS begins looking around the room, inspecting more closely the floors and furniture. It is not as clean or well-arranged as MS would prefer.

Yes, it was more than enough. I have very few needs.
(small smile)

Well, I am beginning to see now how this has been for you. I think we can improve on this situation right away.
(taking things in hand)
I will speak with your tutors and draw up a daily schedule for your meals and tea times. I am not pleased with the state of your room so I will have the others get to work as soon as you are with your tutor. May I see all of your clothes?

HR shows MS the small supply of clothes she has.

Yes, we will have these repressed today. Should you have any errands you need me to run or if you would like me to entertain you at any point, do not hesitate to ask. I know many good stories and I am not the best singer, but I can manage. I will also ask the other girls what talents they have.

Oh my, no please. None of that is necessary.

Master insists, my lady. I must do as he commands.
You will have to accept being well cared for whether you like it or not I'm afraid. Would you like your breakfast now?


HR visits the garden alone. Gwi sees and watches her from the balcony above in the shadows. HR walks leisurely around the garden, singing and humming to herself, sits down on a tree stump. Her voice drifts up quietly to Gwi on the third level. HR soon becomes troubled and wipes away a few tears.

One of HR's male tutors comes into the garden and scolds her, indistinct words. The tutor sends HR to find a switch then hits her palms multiple times. HR apologises all the while, then follows him out of garden. Gwi grips the railing as HR and the tutor exit. His eyes darken.


HR returns to her room to see it transformed, newly cleaned, with fresh flowers, furniture moved, etc. MS enters behind her.

I hope you are pleased with it, Miss Choi. I've moved the furniture to give you a bit more space and help the place feel somewhat airier. I'm glad this room isn't entirely underground so you do have a bit of light coming through to cheer things.

(so pleased, amazed, more at having someone be kind to her)
Yes, it's just lovely.

Now, I've been told that you have a dinner party and we don't have too much time so we must get you ready. Do you have any dress preference?

Oh, no. I've never been to one of these dinners before. I really haven't a clue what to do or how to look.

I somewhat expected as much. Fear not, miss.

MS pulls out a dress she'd already had in mind and holds it up to HR.

This is perfect for your first dinner party. Lovely, but not too much. We'll simply go for understated beauty if you like that idea.

Yes, thank you, Kim Mi-sook.


MS doing finishing touches on HR's makeup. HR's beauty is beginning to come out. Hair, dress, and makeup simple but more sophisticated than her previous basic look.

There we are, miss. You are simply lovely. Let's see you standing?

HR stands, waits as MS looks over her work and does last-minute checks.

Perfect. You best hurry along now. Do try to have a good time.

Thank you, Kim Mi-sook. I do truly appreciate everything you've done for me today.
(feeling hopeful and happier than she's possibly ever been)

It's my pleasure, miss. 


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Gwi Owns the Night, Part IWhere stories live. Discover now