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HR eats breakfast while leafing through the Illustrated Pharmacopoeia. Gwi enters and joins her, which is unusual. She normally eats alone. She starts to get up to let him have head position. He waves her to sit down and sits opposite her.

Good morning Your Highness.
(smiles, very happy to see him)
I am just looking through the volume you gave me of the Illustrated Pharmacopoeia.

What do you think of it?

I'm ashamed to admit it, but I like the illustrations the most. It seems like a very useful book though. Do you know a lot about medicine and cures?

I do, but I tend to leave the actual work to my physicians.
My talents and daily habits lie in other areas of an opposite tendency to healing, as you know.

(not put off)
But it is still nice that you have the knowledge. It may prove useful someday.

And what of the other texts? Have you been reading them?

Yes, sire. I've finished the two smaller books, though I'd like to read them again. There are many things to consider from The Great Learning. I worry, though, that I'm terribly deficient in virtue. I seem to fall so short when I measure myself against Confucius's words.

How so?

Well, if I understand him correctly, I should cultivate myself, bringing order into my own life. Then by extension that personal cultivation will disperse through my family, community, and even further. My own bright virtue should have some impact, if I had any. I should in some way be contributing to the greater good of society.

Ah, and you've been surrounded by evil all your life and no matter what you do or how you are, the evil persists, is that it?

(saddened, knows this is true)
Well, I wasn't thinking about it like that. But I've never helped anyone or done anything of value for those around me. I don't think I'm making any sort of contribution. Is that because I have no virtue? I want to be sincere and diligent and benevolent.

I believe these things take time, my dear. I suspect that's what Confucius would say. Developing virtues and seeing the benefits of those virtues can take lifetimes. Wait at least a few decades and you will know better if you agree with his argument.

Do you not?

Since my change in status, I meet very few virtuous people, as you see on a regular basis. If there were so many out there, you'd think by now they'd have reached me, as I seem to be the font of evil in this kingdom. Even virtuous people just have too many weaknesses, which they tend to ignore, imagining that they're minor weaknesses, when in reality they often lead to their own suffering and demise. Philosophy is essential for humans; it helps them to understand themselves and the world around them. But even when they know what they ought to do, they find their natures in conflict. Humans are very poor at resisting their natures. Until a man is wholly good, what difference can really be made?

Are small differences of no value?

Society is functioning on those small differences, those changes to try to improve the darkness lurking under the surface. But it never actually removes that darkness underpinning everything. What's really needed is some entirely new system, a place where men have a real chance to be made sound. They are so utterly incapable of reaching it themselves.

That doesn't sound like something I can bring about.

Of course not. Some things, after all, must be the work of the gods.

Do we not then have any responsibilities? If we can do no profound good, are you saying there's no sense in any good?

I suppose that depends on how much you care for society. If you want something that functions even poorly then that takes a great and constant amount of repair, attention, and whatever virtue the people can muster. If you don't care about society, then you wind up in a place like this, with someone like me. And everything you work for is ultimately destruction.

I have never thought about these things much before. I need more time to consider everything again.

What about the Veritable Records?

(eyes light up)
I've only been looking through first section on King Taejo. I did not expect to be so interested in history, but I really enjoy reading about his day-to-day life. The beginning is very inspiring as well, the king general atop his horse on a hill looking down on his men. The longer sections with poems or obituaries are more difficult for me, but I am trying.

With the entire collection being so long, you will benefit more from skim reading to start with. Try to skim everything you can first, and then go back and read the parts you think you'll find most interesting. The other volumes are on the shelves.
(points to the relevant area)

Yes, sire.

And what of the book of poetry? Do you like Yun Seon-do's verse?

I think I need to read it many more times. It feels as though there is so much meaning that I am missing out on.

Memorising is a good practice to help understanding verse. It forces you to meditate on passages. You might try that.

Oh yes, I will, sire. Thank you.

I will tell your tutors that you'll no longer be working on calligraphy. You will focus on poetry with that time instead. They would be uselessly inept at trying to teach you philosophy or history as they will obsess over the fact that you're not a man, so you can discuss anything that arises in those areas with me. Jang-su will also be thrilled to hear your thoughts and questions whenever he visits.

Gwi rises to go.

Your Majesty?


Why are you doing all these wonderful things for me?

Firstly, I don't consider them 'wonderful things'. These are merely practical steps that I am taking to ensure my own personal success. I need you to know more of the outside world if you are to fulfil my purposes. You have been far too sheltered here and your tutors and servants have kept you more in the dark than I anticipated.

(quietly, seriously)
Sire, what are your plans for me?

There will come a time to disclose them to you, but that day is not today. You will, however, observe my meeting with some court officials next week. Your father will not be there. Do not say anything, but try to keep up with the topic of conversation.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part IWhere stories live. Discover now