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HR works as normal in her embroidery lesson, sewing quietly while her tutor looks through her previous work. Gwi comes in sending the tutor – who never interacts with him personally – into a panic. HR places her needle in the cloth and waits with her head down.

Your Majesty. We are so fortunate to be graced with your presence. I had no idea you'd be joining us.

(waves the woman to be still)
Carry on with what you were doing. I am only here to observe.

Gwi smiles wickedly at HR whose head is down. She pulls her needle back out and continues. She struggles a bit being watched, especially with her tutor on edge. The tutor becomes desperate to be seen doing something. She begins chattering before finishing her review of HR's work.

Choi Hye-ryung come, let's look through what you've brought today. These flowers, for example, do you see how improved the stitching is now? That is much better, though I do have to say that this blue is a bit bright. Remember, we were trying for a calming, peaceful effect. Never forget, colours are the bedrock of any piece you're making.
(looks at Gwi, sudden fear that maybe she has been too harsh)
But it is a very beautiful piece and you should be pleased with your progress.

I think that's enough instruction for today, tutor. You may leave now.

(stutters and drops things as she goes)
Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you for visiting us. It's such an honour.

HR puts her work down again and sits with her hands in her lap, head down, waiting.

Colours are the bedrock. I'm awfully glad you are getting such useful information here.
(prods her)
Do you like this tutor? Or would you like me to get rid of her for you?

(eyes wide, looks up finally)
Oh no, sire. Please, she is very kind to me. And she allows me to talk now just as you commanded. I think originally, she was against the idea of telling me to remain quiet but was told that she should follow what all the other tutors were doing.

And who said that then?

The tutor who is dead now.

Lucky for him.
(moves around the room)
I've just had a meeting with my ministers, including your father, and they were particularly exasperating today. So I've come to take it out on you.

HR puts her head down and waits quietly.

What? No protest? No complaints about unfair treatment?

No sire, I find it's best to be still in times like this.

The reminder of her father and her seeing Gwi in the same light stings, making him angrier. But he also wants a fight with HR. He violently sweeps the clutter off the low table and sits on it in front of her. HR remains still all the while. Gwi pulls her hand out of her lap, and begins playing with her fingers.

I was somewhat hoping you'd prick your finger again for me. We can call it an accident.
(silence while he continues playing with her hand)
Why have just a taste though, when I can have everything?
(leans down, nuzzling her neck, whispers)
Don't pretend to be so cold Hye-ryung-a. We both know what you want.
(completely out of control of himself at this point, his eyes cloud over)
Give in to me.

(struggling with all the emotions he's bringing up in her, but still speaks for the first time as a woman and not a girl)

Gwi's eyes instantly clear at her simple word. He sits stunned, then confused. He's never been pulled out of this state without blood or his own powerful volition.

What did you do?

I said no, Your Majesty.

How did you do that? What-?
(stops himself and waits)

I only said no, nothing more.

(eyes narrow, on the brink emotionally)
Are the gods playing a trick on me? Is that why you're here?

I would never try to trick you, Your Majesty, and I certainly wouldn't join up with any gods who wanted me to. I'm simply here because you bought me.

Silence. Gwi is deeply troubled. HR wants to reassure him but seeing how volatile he is keeps her quiet.

Shall I go now my lord?

He waves her dismissal. As she gets up, she sees one of her larger pieces which has fallen on the floor. She picks it up and puts it on the table next to Gwi.

I made this one for you, sire.

It's her menacing dragon, now finished, surrounded by a floating golden ribbon. As HR closes the doors, Gwi sits with his head in his hands. HR leans against the door frame, tears in her eyes.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part IWhere stories live. Discover now