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HR been asleep for awhile now. Gwi sees servants moving around and gets up softly.


He leaves HR's room and calls for MS to sit with HR. As he walks to his room, the soft calming gong regularly starts beating in his head. His fury rises. All other sound is drowned out.


On entering his room, Gwi yells at the women there to get out. They are terrified/half asleep and go out clutching their clothes without even dressing. Gwi destroys his room. All noise continues to be drowned out with only the beat of the gong noise. Sound slowly returns with him trying to calm his breathing and shaking. He collects himself.

GWI(defeated, whispers)
Fuck it.

Gwi leaves his room. Meets his steward who is waiting in the hallway upon concern over Gwi's commotion.

Send 2 or 3 other servants to clean and redecorate my room. Quickly.

Yes, sire.

And have the three women who were here tailed to be certain none of them become pregnant, as usual.

Yes, of course, sire.


HR wakes to MS sitting nearby.

Hello, Kim Mi-sook.

Good morning, miss. Don't try to move your body too quickly. You'll be sore all over.

HR struggles a bit to sit up with MS's help.

It's not so bad.

Let me call for your breakfast, miss. You'll want to get your energy up to help your body heal well.

MS goes to the doorway and calls for a nearby female servant to bring food immediately. She then turns back inside the room.

I'll have a medicinal bath prepared as well when you're ready.

Thank you. How is everyone after all the work from yesterday?

Well, miss, normally we're just tired after these big parties, but the atmosphere is- unusual to say the least. There's no point in hiding it, you'll see it or hear it from the others soon enough. That man's body is still hanging up next to the throne. Not that this is the first time we've seen that, of course, but half of the servants are frightened they'll be next and the other half are rejoicing that he's killed someone with good cause this time. A few servants have been preyed upon at these parties before but were always too afraid to say anything about it, as you can imagine. I would have warned you, but it never crossed my mind that you'd leave your room.
(quietly, ashamed, tears up)
I've been filled with regrets since seeing you last night. Please forgive me, miss.

HYE-RYUNG(small smile)
You've done nothing that needs forgiving. Please do not even think about it. I certainly want to put it all behind me. I hope that things return to normal as quickly as possible.

I couldn't agree more, miss.

The female servant enters with HR's breakfast.

Oh good, here's your breakfast. Let's get you to your table.

MS moves as if to help HR stand.

I am able to walk normally, Kim Mi-sook. Thank you though.

HR begins eating as MS lays out the dishes and drink.

Our Master has killed many evil people in his time, and we're always relieved when that happens. But none of us can remember him ever rescuing anyone before. I'm so happy that it was you.

(thinking out loud)
I hope that he doesn't soon regret it.

Why ever would he regret it?

(snaps out of it)
Oh, ignore me. Things seem to be blowing so hot and cold lately. I had very little real interaction with people for 10 years and things changed so quickly that I hardly know where I am some days.

Well, that's certainly understandable in a place and situation like this. And what with His Majesty running wild lately, it only makes it chaotic and confusing for all of us, which hardly helps you find your bearings. I also have to say, miss, obviously you've not recently been around the most upstanding of citizens, though they certainly are powerful and greater than I'll ever be. I don't think your experiences are going to be what most of us would consider normal.

I wonder how long it will take me to adjust. I feel completely perplexed most of the time.

MS puts a side dish in HR's rice while speaking. HR smiles lovingly at her.

You just take things slowly as they come my dear. If you can manage to maintain your gentle and kind spirit in a place like this – well, I can tell you we'll all think you were sent here by the gods if you can manage that.
Many of us already do.

Kim Mi-sook I would hate for his Majesty to find this out, but I also appreciate that if he asks you about me, you shouldn't hide anything. You must think of your own safety.
(stops eating and looks away from MS, quietly)

I am so afraid of what might happen to me some day. I do try not to think about it, I do try not to be afraid. I want to be brave. But I still don't even know why I'm here. His Majesty has some sort of plan, some purpose for me, but I have absolutely no idea what that plan is. I feel as though I am walking along a path and I can see only a little bit in front of me, but beyond that is complete and utter darkness.

(smiles knowingly)
My lady, no one knows the future, even those of us who feel like everything is bright and clear in front of us. You can only be sincere and virtuous in this moment, so keep walking the path that you can see. When the future comes, I believe you will be able to face it. You will see clearly what the right way is.

I hope you are right.

Finish your breakfast, miss. Today you must focus on regaining strength.

HR smiles and picks up her spoon.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part IWhere stories live. Discover now