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Gwi and HR sit to lunch while she eats and he drinks. A male servant enters and announces JS.

Hello, hello lovely friends. Fantastic. It looks like I've come at just the right time.
(eyes light up)
I'm famished.

Gwi breath laughs and tells the female servant to bring portions for JS. Servant returns with food and drink almost immediately.

How are things at the academy then? Are you actually learning anything?

I was telling Choi Hye-ryung the last time I was here that everyone is so dull and caught up in their own intellectual profundity. Honestly, the most interesting conversation I've had for at least six months has been with her.

Well, I am glad to hear that we're offering adequate mental stimulation. Hye-ryung-a, more interesting than the nation's most prestigious academy – how do you like that compliment?

(laughs, completely comfortable and happy with both of them)
It's not true at all, sire. Han Jang-su is merely being kind. As I recall, I only had questions; he was the one with all the guidance and direction.

(eyes glitter with laughter)
Jang-su caught up in his own brilliant arguments. I find that difficult to imagine.

(hits the table in excitement)
You know Gwi, that's exactly it.
(points his spoon at her)
Choi Hye-ryung actually reading the texts and having questions, trying to apply it to her everyday life. I can't find a single person at the academy doing that, despite all their knowledge and learning. I've been really looking ever since I last visited. What an oasis it is here compared to the desert of intellectualism out there!

(eyes light up with a new idea)
Choi Hye-ryung, let's sing again!

HR stops eating abruptly, looking at Gwi and then back to Jang-su.

Oh, no my lord. Really. I can't do it if I'm being watched. It's too much like performing.

I won't take no for an answer. We had such fun last time. Gwi won't say anything negative. Promise her, Gwi. Only kind words and encouragement.

(looks at HR)
Hye-ryung-a doesn't like false flattery. So I'll have to tell her the truth or nothing at all.

Too harsh, too harsh my friend! Help the girl along a little. You can see that she's shy about you hearing her.
(whispers to her)
Come on Choi Hye-ryung. He's practically daring you. You must take up the challenge.

HR struggling, all the while knowing she can't say no to JS's friendliness.

Let's think of something childlike and easy, just to get us going.

JS begins a simple child's song with HR joining in. She smiles as they go along, but looks over to Gwi who is looking at her intently. She falters because of nerves.

(breaks in the song but still sings/chants)
Don't look at him, just look at me. Don't let him spoil our fun.

HR laughs. JS picks up where they left off. They come to the end of the song with JS clapping.

Wonderful. I'm having a grand time. Aren't you entertained Gwi?

Gwi Owns the Night, Part IWhere stories live. Discover now