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HR enters throne room looking like the sun, not because she's in the finest clothes but she's certain now, not afraid, and expecting to finally find out her reason for being here. HR looks at Gwi throughout. She doesn't lower her head once. Gwi's gold bracelet is woven into her hair. Gwi begins sitting on throne, stands and moves as natural.

You called for me, sire?

It's time to put into motion the plans that I have for you, though I daresay you'll find them rather dull.

Yes, Your Majesty. What would you have me do?

The reason that I took you in and kept you all this time is that you resemble my brother's lover.

(horrified, confused, stammering)
Has it not been terribly painful seeing me day after day? Why would you torture yourself so?

(waves this away)
I stopped seeing you as her a long time ago. In truth, I've even forgotten her name. I am somewhat concerned that you don't look as much like her as I need you to since I have no portrait of her. But I have to go with my instinct and first impressions.

(her hand to her cheek, to herself)
I don't think I've ever hated my own face before. All this time.

Your face is what brought you here. In that sense, maybe you should hate it. But it also saved you from your father, so don't hate it too much.

Yes, sire.
(reeling from the pain of so many years of being thought of as someone else and not herself)

As to what you are to do – you are going to invoke my brother's name so that he will come to you. Charm him, make him fall in love with you. I am hoping that he will not be able to separate you from his first love so this will be easy to do. I'm sure he'll call you by her name. Let him. Ask him to tell you his memories, let him get close to you, etc.

I realise you may actually fall in love with him. He is a demi-god, after all. But it seems to me that most women don't want to be loved as someone they're not. I hope that will help in hindering any budding feelings.

(not on board with this but wanting to hear it all out)
And then?

Once he believes you and thinks he has rediscovered his happiness, turn on him. Tell him it was all a ruse that I planned. That you are only trying to save your own life.

So you want him to experience the same thing you did?

Mine's not quite so bad. I'm not trying to get you to capture his soul. And my brother won't kill you; he won't even hurt you. He'd never lose control of himself like that.

But why are you going to all this trouble? It's such a lot of effort to spite your brother.

It's not spite. I couldn't care less if my brother has a broken heart or not. I'm tired, Hye-ryung-a. I want to finish this. If I make him angry enough maybe he'll speed up the plans of justice that the gods have coming for me.

(stunned at that)
You brought me here, and kept me here, educated me, and prepared me so that you could be killed more quickly?

Gwi Owns the Night, Part IWhere stories live. Discover now