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HR sits on her bed in the dark, crying.

Leave him. How can I possibly leave him? How can he say that? What am I going to do if he tries to send me away?

HR throws her covers aside and gets up in frustration. Lighting some candles, she sits at her table and pulls out some paper, a brush and her ink. She begins writing a letter, starting in stream of consciousness mode.

How can you just say it so casually? Leave here? Are you going to send me away soon? To live with my mother? What sort of life will I have then? I won't be able to study at all-

HR throws the paper to the side, getting ink on her hands. She starts again, trying for something more structured, but not managing it at all.

You'd kill him before I left here you said. As if that would be a comfort to me. Are you really to send me away? How much longer do I have here with you? Will I see you again? How-

HR throws the paper aside again. This continues with page after page, question after question, ink beginning to cover her hands, clothes, arms. She cries off and on, getting ink on her face whenever she brushes her tears away.

While she is writing chaotically, Gwi approaches her door and sees her light on. He walks in with no warning.

Your Highness!

HR panics, turning her papers over, gathering the bits she's thrown aside, sitting on them, spilling her ink. She can't get up to let Gwi sit down at the head of the table so she pretends she is busy and concerned with wiping up the ink. Gwi simply stands watching her after shutting the door.

I'm sorry, I wasn't expecting you. I'm not myself at the moment.
(wipes her face, not knowing it's splotched with ink)

Gwi approaches the table and stands waiting. HR continues to pretend she cares about the ink spill.

Hye-ryung-a, leave the ink. Move to the other side of the table.

Yes, sire.

HR gets up, grabbing as many papers as she can and clutching them to her body. She moves around to Gwi's side while he watches her. HR waits with her head down for Gwi to move to his side of the table but he stands for a moment just looking at the mess she's made of herself.

What is all this that you're trying so desperately to hide?

HR knows that she will give in eventually so she stops trying to keep her writing covered. She drops all the papers to the floor and covers her face as she begins crying afresh, having difficulty getting her words out.

I don't want to leave. Why would you send me away?

Who said anything about sending you away?

(still having difficulty speaking, still covering her face)
You said I would leave here, soon enough.

Gwi takes her in his arms. HR still has her face covered but buries it in his chest.

Okay, calm down. Take some deep breaths.

HR takes a few deep breaths, shaking, lowers her arms to her side and looks up at Gwi. Gwi pulls back slightly to see her face.

Have you recovered now?

Will I really have to leave? Will it be soon?
(tears up again)

Gwi brushes HR's hair to the side with one hand while still holding her with his other arm.

No one is going to force you out, but you will not want to stay here forever.

I will.

(quietly laughs, pushing her hair aside again)
I think not, but let's wait and see, shall we? No one is asking you to pack your things now.

But I will soon know why I'm here, won't I?

Yes, that seems likely.

Gwi loosens his arms and stands back a bit from HR. HR sees the ink stains she's made on his clothes.

Oh, sire, I'm so sorry.

HR goes to wipe the stains and then realises how much ink she has all over herself. She gasps and goes to wash her hands in the basin. While HR works and makes very little progress, Gwi crouches down to look at the papers on the floor. He reads and looks up at HR who is still engrossed in washing her hands and arms. Gwi stands again. HR gives up, being partially clean, and wets a cloth with fresh water. She turns and hands it to Gwi but he waves it away.

The servants will take care of cleaning it. Now, while I would obviously enjoy the benefit of you continuing your late-night letter writing-
(HR ducks her head down in embarrassment)
-it would be better for you to sleep if you can.

Yes, Your Majesty.

Having said that, I do expect this letter in some form at some point.
Well, then.

Gwi starts for the door. HR still on edge and needing his presence.

(without thinking)
Are you going to bed now too, Your Highness?
(mortified at how that came out)
I mean- Not that I- I just thought-

(longing to stay with her, but for both of their sakes)
Yes, I think I might. Goodnight, goddess.

Gwi exits and breathes deeply once he shuts the door behind him. HR crouches down, burying her head in her knees, on fire.

Gwi Owns the Night, Part IWhere stories live. Discover now