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HR returns from a lesson. MS is looking through dresses. They greet each other.

I am just looking through dresses for you. His Majesty says you are to join him for another small dinner party tonight. He also says that it is time you try to converse with the guests. Simple politeness will do, nothing more is required.

Oh dear, I hope I am able to manage. Maybe someone will be there who is like Han Jang-su.

Unfortunately, I know the guests who are coming and you will probably have to stay the course of mere formalities. They are a difficult bunch to sympathise with.

HR visibly troubled, MS quickly changes topics to not worry her further.

Now, do you have a dress preference?

Not at all, I'm still quite lost when it comes to choosing these things.

Let's see. Everything about you is a contrast to your guests, so we may as well highlight that fact. Let's think summer innocence.

MS pulls a dress that perfectly suits HR, bright/light. MS holds it up to HR to check.

Oh yes, this is the one. I will have it repressed.

HR still worried. MS puts her hand on HR's cheek.

Don't worry, child. I'll tell you what we servants always remind each other: This is his palace where his rules and his ways control everything. The only thing you need think about is pleasing him. Maybe it's not the most comforting thought at all times, but when dealing with difficult guests it helps to remember that they are not our masters. If you get lost or confused, try to see what it is that he wants. He won't let anyone harm you or even disrespect you, that's certain.

You are right, Kim Mi-sook. I will not worry about people who do not have power over me. Thank you.

Not to worry, miss. Experience is a great teacher. Where on earth is your tea? I will check to see what's happened.

MS places the dress to the side and leaves to call for tea.

(brushes her fingers lightly over the dress)
But how will I know what it is that he wants?

Gwi Owns the Night, Part IWhere stories live. Discover now