Possibilities are endless

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As he sits on the computer and loads it up, he also sees a blip detected as his mother walking down the hall into his room. One of his two cats, Luna (female black cat), also appears as well, right beside him. He smiles and reaches down, petting luna. His other cat, Boots, was in his hallway.

The door opened up and he nodded to his is mom. "Hey, mom, check this out... We got this new program in, and it can track where each of us are.. and it says that it can also cause physical changes as well. I already downloaded all the patches, and a few updates to the program.. the duration of the transformation can be set that way, with 0 being permanent. Interesting huh?"

She blinked, the entire thing flying over her head. "Erm... alright. Woah, wait, that thing actually can track me.." she said, bewildered as she walked around the room and watched her dot move along with it.

"Yeah.. and like I said, that's definately not all it can do..!"

She listened, a bit skeptical. "Well... go ahead, give it a try, just do a small transformation on me or something.. you know, to see if it works."

He nodded and tabbed to the physical changes tab, scrolling down and hit age, 15 years old, body... He tried to think of an interesting body type. He thought of his ex girlfriend Jenn and typed her name in. Surprisingly, it filled out the rest of the name and the last name as well.

"Alright mom, I'm turning you into Jenn" he noded and hit duration: 5 minutes, then save.

She gasped as her frame shrunk, and her breasts regained perkyness. As she aged down to 30, her eyes and facial features were becoming more similar to Jenn. Her brown eyes turned slowly to blue as her age reached 20.... and her stature became more like a teen. Finaly, after a little while longer, she reached 15.. an identicle copy of Jenn.

"Oh wow, that is Amazing!" He nodded and watched as she changed back within 5 minutes.

"You know.. I'll let you use it whenever you want whatever way you want, as long as you let me as well.. we'll keep this a secret between us, okay?" she said to him, intrigued with this new machine.

"Alright... Mom, its the weekend... I think I might want to experiment a little with it.." He asks, he too intrigued with this, as he reached down and petted his cat.

"Oh?" she asked. "Alright... what do you want to do?"

"I want to..." 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now