The next morning

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Jeff woke up disorientated. He looked around confused by his strange surroundings, but he realised as he pushed his sister's long hair out of his eyes where he was. He sat up pulled the big t-shirt he was using as a nighty down and looked at the clock on the bed side cabinet. It was just passed 12pm and he had slept all morning.

He pushed the bed covers off him and walked into the bathroom, his makeup had smudged off his face, and he decided to have a shower now than wait till he got home.

he locked the bathroom door and pulled the t-shirt rick had lent him off, he stood int he shower. Hed had a restless night, his dreams haunted about being pregnant, and being stuck with his sister's body, but then the other half of his sleep had been full of ricks hands feeling him and undressing him. He shuddered at the thought of having a guys dick inside of him and thought to himself that last night was the beer they drank messing with his head.

He stepped out of the shower and dried himself, or at least tried to, once again his long hair seemed to be taking forever. He wrapped a towel around his chest, and padded into the bedroom and picked up his clothes.

During the evening these were perfect clothes, but in the light of the morning, or in this case the afternoon, he realised how slutty he was going to look being dropped off at his house wearing a short dress like this. At least he still had the jumper rick had let him wear to cover up his cleavage

He got changed quickly, and carried his heels in one hand, and the t-shirt he used as a nighty in the other. He managed to find his way downstairs and followed the noise of the television set, he was hoping to walk in on rick, but as he entered the door he was greeted by ricks whole family, staring up at him was rick, his mom and dad and ricks sister.

Jeff inwardly groaned but smiled as they all welcomed him and beckoned him to sit down. "Well well sleeping beauty finally wakes up"

"shut up dad" Rick was going red, and jeff remembered to cross his legs and pull his dress down as he smiled goign bright red himself.

"Sorry, I don't usually sleep so much..."

"No problem my dear, would you like some breakfast?" Rick's mom had stood up and was heading to the kitchen.

"No thanks, I really need to get back home if that ok with you rick, I have to meet my sister."

"Your sister? I thought you only had a brother?" Rick looked puzzled.

"Sorry yeah, my brother, it just... its early." He faked a laugh, and the rest of them laughed too.

"It isn't early, its late in the day, and you can't leave the house looking like that lucy, what will the neighbours say. Jen, go upstairs with lucy why rick get ready to take lucy home and find her some clothes"

Jen who was smiling at him got up and dragged him out of his chair. "Leave your purse and heels here lucy, no one will take it."

Rick was smiling as he walked into the kitchen following his mother, and Jeff padded back upstairs, and got a face full of Jen's ass as they walked. Ricks sister was hot, and if not mistaken same age as he was. Well, his real body was. Mesmerised by her as she spoke to him, he found him secretly trying to check her out when she wasn't looking. Eventually they came to her room at the end of the, and entered a girly room, with a similar look to his siters room.

She seemed to look through her wardrobe for a while and eventually she handed him some clothing "... is that ok lucy"

"huh what?"

"The skirt lucy, I said you're a little taller than me, so You will have to wear one of my skirts. wow my brother really has got you daydreaming hasn't he"

"Oh sorry, im... "

"No problem Lusy, you can use my bathroom to get changed in."

He then realised he was staring at her, and that he was about to put on one of her skirts. He looked down at the bundle of clothes in his hands and brought himself back to reality. He followed to where she was indicating and sheepishly walked into the bathroom and locked the door. He placed the bundle of clothes on the floor and sat down ont he edge of the bath.

Wow he thought, she is stunning. He looked down at himself and pulled the jumper off. His sisters' large boobs looked back at him as he looked down again. This isn't good, I'm a girl in another girls bathroom, and i think she is stunning. I need to get change and get home and get back to being a guy again.

He stood up and stepped out of his dress. He lifted the skirt and stepped into it, it was a little tight over his hips and bum as he pulled it up, and it was shorter than he would have liked it to be, but at least it wasn't a slutty dress.

The top was weird. He pulled it over his head, and it fit tightly across his buxom. I covered his chest though, and it had a zip across from his right shoulder which could be opened to show cleavage. it stopped short of his belly button, and the whole outfit showed a lot of skin. He checked himself out in the mirror, fixing his boobs and skirt and realised he looked good, depressingly so. He stepped out of the bathroom and lucy was stood with a hair dryer and beckoned him to sit down. This was going to be a long afternoon. 

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