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So far the evening had been a big mistake. They went for a meal then a few clubs, but he didn't eat much, and definitely didn't want to drink just incise. They had nothing to talk about, as rick seemed toawaked to just chat, and whenever he tried to talk about his work or family rick just kept staring at his body.

"Listen lucy, it might be time to just go back to mine and watch a film or something." rick seemed cret fallen and jeff felt bad. Lucy would have done a much better job here. "I can take you home to change if you like, then we can just chill out"

Jeff felt the barriers suddenly fall.

"Ok rick, sorry for such a bad night" and he honestly was "Don't worry about taking me home, we can just watch a film and then you can drop me off"

"Ok lucy, lets go."

The drive back was quite awkward, but when they got to Ricks huge house, jeff was impressed.

"Oh my god you live in a castle Rick"

"Haha, it's not that big really..." Rick seemed embarrassed so jeff shut up. "Ok, I'll let you pick the film, come and choose."

Rick was clearly bored with the date and didn't want to seem rude, so jeff was goign to get there and say he didn't fancy any of the films and leave. He got into the room and his eyes lit up.

"wow rick, how many computers do you have. the large television room had nearly 5 computers sat in a row.

"I do something called LAN parties now and then lucy, it's kinda gaming..."

"I know what LAN is Rick, I own at CS."

"You play counter strike?" Rick looked confused

"Yeah totally, I kick ass!"

"Your the first girl I've met who does lucy, anyway, the films are this way."

"Why don't we just get a few drinks and a pizza and play CS rick? I want to and I'm sure you do"

"Erm, ok..?"


Rick always thought lucy was a bit of a bitch, but this girl rocked. She liked everything he did, and it was 4am in the morning, and they were still playing CS. She seemed to like her ale as well, they had both got through 4 cans of it, and a pizza between them.

Lucy stood up suddenly, she had kicked her heels off ages ago.

"Rick can i borrow a jumper I'm freezing here"

"Ah sure, sorry..."

"What for? you fool, You weren't meant to know i was cold..." Jeff laughed, and so did rick. This was ace, Rick was cool, and he didn't feel uncomfortable around him at all.

Rick came back after a few minutes with a jumper and handed it him. He pulled it over his head and his long hair got trapped in the neck.

"Damn this long hair, nothing but trouble" He pulled down a little too hard "OW owow... Rick can u free my hair please, Rick had gone back to his computer but stood up and laughed at her. He pulled the jump a little and free'd lucy's hair and then slowly her head came out with her hair covering it.

He moved it out of her face, and she was smiling at him. "Thanks rick"

"No prob loos"

Jeff stepped back and stumbled on his heels he'd left on the floor, just before he fell flat on his ass, rick caught him.

"Jeez, thanks".

Jeff looked down and saw Rick had caught him strangely with his legs intertwined with his, and the lad was blushing. "Im sorry i just..."

"What?" Jeff realised rick had his hand on his butt, and they both lifted gently up. Something about this wasn't too bad jeff realised, as he suddenly felt warm in ricks arms. "Don't be shy rick, I am your date after all man" Rick chuckled.

"You're such a strange girl lucy, I really had you down for being a bit bitchy, but this is the best date ever."

"I've really enjoyed myself too rick, I was really nervous about dating you for a few reasons, but this has been a good night."

"Yeah, I guess i should get you home lucy..."

"Yeah, i guess so... " Jeff was now looking very closely into ricks eyes, and he could taste ricks lips they were so close "I can't go anywhere rick with your hand holding my ass so tightly"

Then it happened, rick kissed him, at first he didn't know what to do, but then rick lifted him upright and hugged him close as they kissed. Jeff knew what this body wanted, and couldn't resist. 

Chronivac 4.0: The Unforeseen Changes (bro-sis bodyswap story)Where stories live. Discover now